Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Flashback: Was Joe Biden Lying When He Lashed Out at This Union Worker That He's NOT Taking Our Guns?

Flashback: Was Joe Biden Lying When He Lashed Out at This Union Worker That He's NOT Taking Our Guns?
Brodigan - March 24, 2021 at 07:05AM

President Biden made clear his agenda to ban guns on Tuesday. People on Twitter are remembering an incident from early in the presidential race where candidate Biden lashed out at a union worker. We covered it on the website back in March 2020. Biden was doing what he thought was a photo op with Democrat-supporting union members. One of the workers asked him about the Second Amendment and taking our guns away. Biden freaked out, acted like a cranky old coot, and cursed at the guy. To refresh your memory:

Union worker: "You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns."

Candidate Joe Biden: You're full of shit. I did not—no, no, shush. Shush. I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment -- just like right now if you yelled fire, that's not free speech. You're not allowed to own any weapon, I'm not taking your gun away at all. You need 100 rounds?

The worker, Jerry Wayne, appeared on the Rubin Report shortly after this incident.

I wasn't expecting that reaction. He came out with straight-up blunt force. His adviser next to him told him to stop, and he "shushed' her and just started to dig his own hole.

Did Joe Biden lie to this union worker? It depends on your definition of "is." Biden shills might say that Biden doesn't hate the Second Amendment or want to take away your guns. Even though he campaigned on the most anti-gun platform imaginable. Biden just wants expanded background checks ... which make it harder for law-abiding citizens to obtain guns. Technically, he's not "taking guns away." He's just making them harder for you to get them. Unless you're a criminal.

Using that logic, then no. Biden didn't lie about taking our guns away. He only wants to take away assault weapons and magazines. Now, whether he knows the difference between a "magazine" and a "clip" is debatable. Any actual knowledge Biden has of how guns work has always been debatable. We're also not sure how he plans to define "assault weapon," since it's a term that Democrats made up. It could mean an Uzi. It could mean anything semi-automatic, which would include almost all the guns in America today. Devil, details, etc.

In conclusion, there is no evidence to say Joe Biden lied when he said he wasn't going to take our guns away. He only wants to take away some of our guns. For now.

from Steven Crowder Says