Thursday, March 25, 2021

Cuomo Family Given 'Special Priority' for Coronavirus, Including CNN's Chris Cuomo

Cuomo Family Given 'Special Priority' for Coronavirus, Including CNN's Chris Cuomo
Brodigan - March 25, 2021 at 07:46AM

In America, there are the "haves" and the "have nots." The haves are the ones related to Governor Andrew Cuomo, whom the media was too busy singing the praises of to report what he was really been up to. The have nots are everyone else. Particularly, all the current and former aides Cuomo sexually harassed. Allegedly. Also, all the meemaw's and pop-pop's dead because of Cuomo policies. Again, allegedly.

There's a new report to highlight what a schmuck Cuomo is. Remember early on in the pandemic, the lectures about we were all hashtag in this together? While people were bragging about how Cuomosexual they were, Cuomo was making sure his family and associates got special preferential treatment. Including using state resources you would assume would have been busy taking care of everyone else in the state.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration arranged for his family members and other well-connected figures to have special access to state-administered coronavirus tests, dispatching a top state doctor and other state health officials to their homes, according to three people with direct knowledge of the effort.
As part of the program, a state lab immediately processed the results of those who were tested, the people said, even as average New Yorkers were struggling to get tested in the early days of the pandemic because of a scarcity of resources.

A Cuomo spokesman says we shouldn't rewrite the past. I say we should expose what a buttmunch his boss has always been. Different strokes, I guess.

One of the family members given preferential treatment was CNN employee Chris Cuomo. You may remember that when Cuomo got COVID, he pretended to lock himself in the basement while he was actually out, about, and picking fights with people. The Chris Cuomo who is always lecturing the rest of us. The Chris Cuomo who is a douchebag. That Chris Cuomo got special treatment too.

The CNN anchor was swabbed by a top New York Department of Health doctor, who visited his Hamptons home to collect samples from him and his family, the people with knowledge of the matter said.

Andy's idiot brother declined to comment, but CNN had this to say:

We generally do not get involved in the medical decisions of our employees. However, it is not surprising that in the earliest days of a once-in-a-century global pandemic, when Chris was showing symptoms and was concerned about possible spread, he turned to anyone he could for advice and assistance, as any human being would.

Something tells me that if it was Donald Trump giving Sean Hannity special treatment, CNN would be singing a different tune. Brian Stelter would have a week-long hissy fit.

This is Emmy award-winning Andrew Cuomo's true record on COVID. Killing grandma. Harassing employees. Making sure his family cut the line in front of everyone else.

from Steven Crowder Says