Wednesday, March 10, 2021

French Teacher Beheaded for Allegedly Showing Mohammed Cartoon, Turns Out His Accuser Lied

French Teacher Beheaded for Allegedly Showing Mohammed Cartoon, Turns Out His Accuser Lied
Brodigan - March 10, 2021 at 12:59PM

Back in October, a French teacher was beheaded in a terror attack for allegedly showing a cartoon of Mohammed. An attacker yelled "Allahu Akbar." There was presumably a scuffle. The teacher lost his head. The assailant got swiss cheesed up by French police. The story alone is terrifying, but new details have managed to make it worse. The schoolgirl who originally made the accusation has since admitted that she lied about it.

The unidentified schoolgirl claimed the teacher, Samuel Paty, asked Muslim students to leave the class so that he could show everyone else a "photograph of the Prophet naked." As we're finding out now, that wasn't the case. She wasn't even in the classroom. She was suspended for cutting class and bad behavior. But she didn't want to tell her father that because she might get mad. So instead? Per The Independent:

The girl had reportedly told her father that she had expressed her anger with the teacher for asking the Muslim children to stand in corridor while he showed the pictures and therefore suspended her from classes for two days. She had said that when she voiced her objections, she was suspended from school.

This caused her father to launch a campaign against the teacher, accusing him of Islamophobia. Word of this got to 18-year-old Abdullakh Anzorov.Abdullakh, who tracked down Paty and decapitated him. Because, you know.

The girl is being charged with slander. The father is being charged with "complicit in a terrorist killing." The girl's lawyer claims the girl is an innocent victim in all this, blaming the father for, quote, "excessive and disproportionate behaviour."

No word on why the girl decided to come clean now. Maybe the guilt of having her teacher murdered in a terrorist attack because of her lie got to be too much for her.

The French. Amirite?

from Steven Crowder Says