Friday, March 26, 2021

Ted Cruz Visits Rio Grande, Releases Shocking Video on the Border Crisis

Ted Cruz Visits Rio Grande, Releases Shocking Video on the Border Crisis
Brodigan - March 26, 2021 at 10:42AM

Joe Biden, aka "the Migrant President," doesn't want to call the crisis on the border a border crisis. His plan to fix the not crisis is to have Kamala Harris, one of the few people worse on immigration than he is, to laugh her way through it. The Associated Press is circling the wagons for him (allegedly), instructing reporters to not call the crisis at the border a "crisis."

Good luck with that after watching this Ted Cruz video.

On the other side of the river is Mexico. ... We have been listening to and seeing cartel members. Human traffickers, right on the other side of the river. Waving flashlights. Yelling and taunting Americans. Taunting the Border Patrol. Because they know that under the current policy of the Biden administration, they can flood over here. They're getting paid $4,000-$5,000 a person to smuggle them into this country. And our policy when they smuggle them in, the Biden administration releases them. ... Last month, 100,000 people came across the border illegally. We've got 15,000 kids in federal government custody.
This is a humanitarian crisis. It's a public health crisis. The illegal immigrants who are being released, they're testing positive for COVID-19 at a seven times higher rate than the American population. And it's a national security crisis. And it's time for the Biden administration to put an end to it and stop sanctioning lawless chaos on our southern border.

Cartels and COVID. While the president of the United States laughs about people saying what a "great guy" he is. You did this, Mr. President. This is because of your policies.

Policies that are just ideas right now. No actual amnesty bill or immigration reforms have been signed into law yet. The crisis is based on what people THINK Biden is going to do. A "robust" debate in the Senate will be interesting to watch. Provided we actually get one.

from Steven Crowder Says