Friday, March 19, 2021

Donald Trump Wax Statue Removed Because of Losers Punching It

Donald Trump Wax Statue Removed Because of Losers Punching It
Brodigan - March 19, 2021 at 06:59AM

SPOILER: If you find yourself so triggered by inanimate objects, you are in fact the asshole.

If 2020 has taught us anything, it's that leftists hate statues of the greatest men American history has ever known. There's something about socialists and monuments that they don't go well together. Sometimes, others will defend the statues. Sometimes gravity does. But the motive behind is all the same. If liberals don't like something, it needs to be destroyed. This was the case in San Antonio, where a wax statue of Donald Trump needed to be put into storage because enough idiots were beating the crap out of it.

A wax figure of former President Donald Trump was removed from display at Louis Tussaud's Waxworks in San Antonio, Texas, because customers kept punching and scratching it.

Clay Stewart, regional manager for Ripley Entertainment, told the San Antonio Express-News...the Trump figure was beaten badly enough to leave deep marks on its waxy face, necessitating its move to storage.

I should point out that the President Trump statue isn't the first one of a former president to be damaged at Louis Tussaud's Waxworks. President Bush had his nose punched in, and people kept taking President Obama's ears home as souvenirs. But there's something about Donald Trump effigies that brings out the idiocracy of his detractors. Let's not forget this specimen yelling at animated Trump during a visit to Disney World.

Here's my question. Presumably, you have to pay money to enter the museum. Are people visiting the museum because of a weird affection toward wax statues, seeing the Trump statue, and being overcome with rage? Or are people actually spending money just so they can attack the Trump statue? I can see the conversation:

Dinkus #1: What do you wanna do today?

Dinkus #2: There's that new Trump statue. Let's beat the crap out of it and put it on TikTok! I know the perfect Ava Max song.

Dinkus #1: Yeah, but don't you have to pay to get in?


Whatever the motive, you won this round, haters and losers! So many of you attacked Wax Trump that it had to be removed. Good job.

from Steven Crowder Says