Monday, March 22, 2021

Joker Declares End of Pandemic While Standing on Car, Waving Flag, Making It Rain Cash

Joker Declares End of Pandemic While Standing on Car, Waving Flag, Making It Rain Cash
Brodigan - March 22, 2021 at 08:17AM

Insert Link Here's the thing. I know Batman lore. I slogged through the Zack Snyder Cut like the rest of you over the weekend. I know the Joker is the villain, and some will look at this video as such. But for me, this video is badass. You see, we live in a society, and that society has had enough of the pandemic.

We've been in the pandemic so long, we're starting to show reruns of 2020. A year ago, people freaked out over spring breakers in Florida. It was the start of America's addiction to panic porn, and these youngbloods were literally going to kill Grandma with their selfishness literally. You can already see it starting again on Twitter.

Of course, as we know now, Ron DeSantis successfully led Florida through the pandemic, to the dismay of the media and the Biden administration. It was actually media darling Andrew Cuomo who (allegedly) killed Grandma when he wasn't getting all gropey with his aides. Spring breakers had the same effect that people partying during the Super Bowl had: not much. A "fact" checker reading this might call it misleading because COVID is not over. Fair point. No one reading this should trust the science of a guy who is most likely high AF screaming on the top of a car in Miami. You got me there, "fact" checkers!

My dude still reflects the sentiment of many of us who, a year after "15 Days to Flatten the Curve," have simply had enough. Party on, friend! Keep an eye out for someone dressed as Batman two-fisting frozen margaritas.

from Steven Crowder Says