Wednesday, March 31, 2021

AOC Finally Comments on Border, Manages to Work 'White Supremacy' into It

AOC Finally Comments on Border, Manages to Work 'White Supremacy' into It
Brodigan - March 31, 2021 at 10:46AM

It took her a while, but Congresswoman AOC finally chimed in on the border crisis. Those of you old enough to remember 2019 know how chatty she was the last time there was a "kids in cages" brouhaha. That was when Rep. AOC — an American elected official — accused Americans of running concentration camps along the border. She also took part in a Glamour Shots photo shoot outside a parking lot in Texas. Though, independent "fact" checkers claim that while she was "crying" outside a parking lot somewhere in Texas, she was able to see a detention center. Oh, and when offered a tour of the actual facilities she was having a hissy fit over, she allegedly said no.

But all that stuff was all, like, totally 2019. Things were more Trumpy then. Let's see what Rep. AOC has to say about Joe Biden's Kids in Cages reboot. Rep. AOC addressed her stans on Tuesday night.

They wanna say what about the surge? Anyone who's using the term "surge" around you is trying to invoke a militaristic frame, and that's a problem. Because this is not a surge. These are children.

Yes, a surge of them.

They are not insurgents and we are not being invaded. Which, by the way, is a white supremacist idea that if an other is coming into the population, that this is like an invasion.

She's so silly.

"White supremacist" I'm guessing is defined as anyone who has a different opinion from a Democrat on anything for any reason whatsoever. Which in this instance means a sensible immigration policy that ISN'T seeing a massive increase in illegal crossings from Donald Trump's forty-five-year low. Which, considering Joe Biden sounds like he realizes he f*cked up and wants to re-institute one of Trump's policies, does that make Biden a white supremacist? White supremacist-ish? White supremacy-adjacent? The proper buzzword is still being market-tested.

There is a serious debate to be had about the border crisis and how to address it. Serious elected officials dealing with serious problems. Rep. AOC isn't one of them.

from Steven Crowder Says