Friday, March 5, 2021

Jen Psaki Dodges When Challenged Why Biden's Avoided Press Conferences Longer Than Anyone Else

Jen Psaki Dodges When Challenged Why Biden's Avoided Press Conferences Longer Than Anyone Else
Brodigan - March 05, 2021 at 01:38PM

Conservatives had fun at Joe Biden's expense on Thursday. There was a viral clip of Biden offering to take questions and the White House cutting the feed. I shan't say more, because Facebook's "fact" checkers are circling the wagons. I'll just say it happened during this virtual meeting with Nancy "Nance" Pelosi. The reason why the viral video took off as it did is that Biden has been avoiding the press longer than any president in modern history. At least as far as a proper press conference goes. You know, one where a reporter can challenge the president and where the president needs to remember things and try not to poop his pants. A cynical person might say there is a reason why they don't want the president of the United States out there. But only a cynical person.

However, it's still been 45 days without President Biden facing the press. A reporter from the Associated Press asked Jen Psaki what's up with that?

BRIDE OF CHUCKY: You have to understand that the president is really busy. Like, super busy. You wouldn't believe how busy he is. Plus it's not like he never takes questions. Reporters are able to shout questions at him all the time.

REPORTER: Yeah, but he can barely hear us half the time.

BRIDE OF CHUCKY: OMG, ageist much?

There you have it. The president is so busy he doesn't have time to talk to the press. Unless they're yelling questions at him as he's being whisked away into another room. Don't worry, though! The president will be having a press conference. When? Soon. Just not now.

The irony in all this is I'm fairly certain none of us expect the reporters to ask Joe Biden anything remotely challenging. It's just a matter of if he's even able to answer any questions.

from Steven Crowder Says