Friday, March 5, 2021

Eric Swalwell Files Lawsuit Against Donald Trump for the Absolute Dumbest Reason Yet

Eric Swalwell Files Lawsuit Against Donald Trump for the Absolute Dumbest Reason Yet
Brodigan - March 05, 2021 at 12:09PM

I'm not 100% sure this is real because it's that stupid. You remember Eric Swalwell, right? Gun-grabbing California congressman. Failed presidential candidate. Banger of Chinese spies. Has no control of his bodily functions. Most recently, one of the impeachment managers of the second failed impeachment of Donald Trump. That guy. Well, he's suing Trump now.

Today I filed a lawsuit against Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Rudolph Guliani, and Representative Mo Brooks ...

Oh, no! Not Mo Brooks too!

... for inciting an attack against the Capitol that terrorized lawmakers, and preventing us from certifying the votes of the American people.

The votes were certified later that day.

The Defendants assembled, inflamed, and incited the mob, and as such are wholly responsible for the injry and destruction that followed.

The civil suit alleges negligence, civil rights violations, and - wait for it - EMOTIONAL DISTRESS! And at one point Swalwell claims he "prepared himself for possible hand-to-hand combat" as he "took off his jacket and tie and searched for makeshift instruments of self-defense."

Really, I'm surprised he stopped there. Swalwell was three allegations away from going to the Trump Hotel, looking for some water on the floor, and running through it as fast as he could, hoping to slip. Alleging that it's literally because of Trump's negligence that a floor at a building he owns is wet. And that Swalwell may never walk the same again, or be able to enjoy shrimp cocktail like he did before. Which I hear at the Trump Hotel is excellent.

The game is obvious. File whatever frivolous lawsuits you can and hope for a Democrat-appointed judge. One piece of advice for Swalwell and whatever ambulance-chasing personal injury lawyer he sees on a commercial break during Chris Cuomo Tonight. All the "evidence" from the failed impeachment trial (the second one) that was hearsay and based mostly on anonymous quotes to reporters? I'm fairly certain that is inadmissable in a court where the jury aren't marsupials.

from Steven Crowder Says