Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Watch Black Lives Matter's New Tactic: Using White People as Human Shields

Watch Black Lives Matter's New Tactic: Using White People as Human Shields
Brodigan - September 08, 2020 at 07:30AM

The Biden-Harris-supporting Black Lives Matter, especially lately, seems to be a case study in how to lose support and guarantee Donald Trump's re-election. It's gotten bad, to the point where we're going to find out after the election that the cloaked figure behind the protests is actually Donald Trump Jr., yelling, "It was me, Biden! It was me all along!" All BLM does lately is preview what life will be like once leftists install Joe Biden as their sock puppet and have full control of the country (see BLACK LIVES MATTER SAY THEY'RE COMING FOR YOUR HOMES NOW. HOW ABOUT NO? and TWO BLACK LIVES MATTER SPEAKERS DECLARE 'OPEN SEASON' ON COPS, TIME TO 'PUT THEM IN THEIR GRAVES'). The latest campaign tactic is using white people as human shields.

Actually, saying "people" is an insult to people. It's more like using white liberals as human shields.

If you're white and you got a shield, you need to be making a perimeter from whatever this street is to whatever that street is. If you are black, stay in the middle.

I'm old enough to remember when Operation: Human Shield was something that was used to make fun of racists.

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