Wednesday, September 2, 2020

TYRANNY: Australian Police Arrest Pregnant Mother for Organizing Anti-Lockdown Event

TYRANNY: Australian Police Arrest Pregnant Mother for Organizing Anti-Lockdown Event
Courtney Kirchoff - September 02, 2020 at 01:26PM

Ever wondered why the Second Amendment is important to our freedoms? Let's take a look at the land downunder, where police arrested a 28-year-old pregnant mother for "incitement" all because she wanted to put on a peaceful anti-lockdown event which she tried to organize on Facebook. This is real. Sure, it's not here in 'Murica, but you gotta bet your vegemite sandwich leftists wish it was.

They arrested her and took the phones. This is straight up tyranny.

@truth_seeker_85 also included the news report about it.

There's a tendency to look at international stories as an "over there" problem. I get that. This mother was arrested in her own home, in front of her children, for a Facebook post, in Australia. Not the United States. Some of you might even be saying "well, that would never happen here because [x reason]." Even the one I opened with: The Second Amendment. I get that, too.

This story matters for a couple of reasons you should care about, even if this story is from You Call That a Knife, This is a Knife.

One: Australia wasn't founded the same way America was, based on God-given rights of freedom. Australia was founded, and is now apparently run, on the kinds of "rights" leftists the world over dream about. It's a country where government decides when you have certain rights and when you don't. If government has decided "the public health's safety" is more important than your rights, well then it's fine for the government to dump all over your rights and toss you in the clink.

But wait... because we've seen chilling similarities in the United States over this very principle, despite having our rights enshrined by God. So this story may not even be an "over there" problem, but a "coming soon" warning. See also Salon Owner Jailed for Refusing to Close.

Two: COVID-19 is, in my opinion, a dud. That's an opinion I've come to after seeing what demographic this virus most adversely affects: the old and the sick. Not the young. Not the healthy. Not the majority. The old and the sick, who are prone to viral threats all year long regardless of if the virus has a chyron graphic on CNN. That, and, you know, what the CDC has said about actual numbers of people who've actually died OF Covid vs. WITH Covid.

The virus shutdown isn't about the virus, people. If you can't see that now, there's really no hope for that mass between your ears.

from Steven Crowder Says