Monday, September 7, 2020

More BLM Activists Terrorize More Restaurant Goers: "F*** White People"

More BLM Activists Terrorize More Restaurant Goers: "F*** White People"
Brodigan - September 07, 2020 at 07:26AM

Maybe this is me coming from me sitting high atop my perch of privilege. Maybe I just don't understand the intricacies of "social" "justice" "protesting." But Biden supporters terrorizing people trying to eat dinner and otherwise assaulting people is rapidly becoming a niche genre (see PEACEFUL BLACK LIVES MATTER PROTESTORS ATTACK AND TERRORIZE RESTAURANT PATRONS IN UPSTATE NEW YORK and POLICE ARE LOOKING FOR AN ADULT BIDEN SUPPORTER WHO ASSAULTED A 12-YEAR-OLD TRUMP SUPPORTER). At this point, this might as well be a Trump reelection ad.

Message received. Leftists don't like people eating and otherwise minding their own business. I'm not quite sure what this has to do with police reform and how yelling "f*** white people and f*** twelve" at people trying have a sandwich help create change. But again, I'll cop to my privilege there. I also won't frequent restaurant who allow their customer to be treated like this.

from Steven Crowder Says