Sunday, August 2, 2020

Check Out This Idiot Having a Full-Blown Meltdown Over Someone NOT Wearing a Mask at a Pizza Place

Check Out This Idiot Having a Full-Blown Meltdown Over Someone NOT Wearing a Mask at a Pizza Place
Brodigan - August 02, 2020 at 07:38AM

I'm telling you I was the King of Spain
(Wear a mask or you're gonna die)
Now I'm melting down at the Pizza Pizza
- Moxy Fruvous, "King of Spain (2020 Mask Nazi Remix)"

Exhale, America. Usually when I introduce you to a crazed masked nazi, it's unfortunately one of our fellow countrymen (CRAZY MASK NAZI IS CAUGHT ON VIDEO PEPPER-SPRAYING A COUPLE FOR NOT WEARING MASKS ... WHILE EATING and HERE'S A CRAZY MASK NAZI SCREAMING IN A LITTLE GIRL'S FACE: 'I HOPE YOU DIE'). Today we travel up north to the red headed stepchild of North America, Canada. Home of poutine, my boy Pantelis, and a pizza chain called Pizza Pizza. Whether they also have a Taco Taco or a Schwarma Schwarma is unclear at this moment. What is clear is that Canadians also freak out if you aren't wearing your mask like you've been told.

There's so much going on here. Least of all, he's not even wearing his mask properly. Granted, it may have fallen down under his nose while he was wiildin' out, but I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt. The suit and general poindexter vibe has notes of the Michael Douglas movie Falling Down. But the highlight for me is that my dude has his smartphone out to record everything, because he doesn't think that he's the @$hole here. Little does he know, there's someone behind him getting ready to ruin his entire month of August.

Also, while my dude is freaking out on the other guy who just wanted a slice of pizza, he's not social distancing. We see the circle on the floor, buddy, and we see you not standing on it. SHAME! You are literally giving everyone the 'rona right now.

Some people wear masks. Some people don't. I don't know what the orders are in Toronto, but whatever they are, just eat your pizza and mind your own f***ing business over what the other guy is doing.

from Steven Crowder Says