Thursday, November 4, 2021

‘We'll Fight This Authoritarian Bulls***’: Daily Wire Files Lawsuit Against Joe Biden's Vaccine Mandate

‘We'll Fight This Authoritarian Bulls***’: Daily Wire Files Lawsuit Against Joe Biden's Vaccine Mandate
Brodigan - November 04, 2021 at 12:06PM

Joe Biden, not one to be confused as a member of MENSA, thought two days after his party got DEE-STROYED at the ballot box was perfect to announce a nationwide employee v*ccine mandate. Yes, even private business. The Daily Wire, a private business with an inferior drinking vessel and Michael Knowles, thought today was the perfect time to, through their lawyers, tell Biden to mandate deez nuts! Let's go, Brandon!

The Biden administration announced that as of January 4th, nearly 100,000,000 American workers will be MANDATED to get their Fauci Ouchie if they want to continue to be employed or run their businesses. All those warnings about paying attention to Australia? Now you know why.

  • Biden's decree is aimed at healthcare workers and businesses with 100 or more employees. That's about 2/3rd's of America's workforce.
  • Non-compliance could cost you $14,000 per infraction.
  • Hospitals could lose access to Medicare and Medicaid dollars.

The Daily Wire, which employs more than 100 people, filed their lawsuit shortly after this announcement was made. The company said in a press release Biden's mandate forced Daily Wire to "invade employees' medical choices or histories and their religious beliefs" just so they could continue to make a living and support their families.

"As the motion for stay filed with the 6th Circuit will argue, the federal government has no power under the Constitution to force half the U.S. private sector workforce — 80 million workers or more — to be vaccinated against their will or endure repeated medical testing as a condition of simply earning a living."

Ben Shapiro used more colorful language:

It's really simple: You either think the president of the United States threatening businesses and mandating what personal medical decisions you make for yourself is appropriate, or you don't. You either support the authoritarian overreach by the people who control an (alleged) dementia case, or you don't. If you are totally okay with this and think the government having this much power is the cat's pajamas, go back to watching CNN. I'll remember your decision during President DeSantis' administration.

If you are a nincompoop and see all the red flags over any president thinking they should have this much power, now is the time to fight. The Daily Wire is doing that, and we should have their back.

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