Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Top 5 Moments in the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Wednesday: 'Don't Get Brazen with Me ...'

Top 5 Moments in the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Wednesday: 'Don't Get Brazen with Me ...'
Joseph Gunderson - November 10, 2021 at 01:23PM

The prosecution in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial rested yesterday, allowing the defense to begin its arguments today, and boy was it a doozy. The best moments came after Rittenhouse himself took the stand in his own defense, a move that has many people torn on whether it was or was not a good idea. But testify Kyle did, and it didn't go well for the prosecution. But then, very little has gone well for the prosecution during this utter clown show.

Here's a countdown of the top five moments of the day.

5.) The prosecutor attempts to link the shooting to video games.

It's number five because we had to see this coming. Video games are often blamed for gun violence, even though there's scant evidence, at best, to make the argument credible. But seeing as how the prosecution has had no luck with any other strategies, they're just throwing stuff at the wall, hoping it sticks.

Prosecutor: AR-15s look cool, right? Like in Call of Duty.

Rittenhouse: Yeah, sure.

Prosecutor: And the goal of Call of Duty is to kill everyone right?

Rittenhouse: Sure. It's a video game.

Prosecutor: So, what you really wanted to do that night was kill enough people to call in a killstreak nuke and kill even more people, right?

Guys and gals, this prosecutor is a moron.

4.) Judge tears into the prosecutor for trying to make ridiculous connections to previous comments.

Binger, the prosecutor, tries to argue that Rittenhouse's previous comments—comments made at a different time and place and under completely different circumstances—have relevance to the matter at hand. The judge—who should be commended for his fairness and impartiality during this sh!ts show—isn't having it.

3.) Prosecutor tries to paint Rittenhouse as a cold-blooded killer.

They really want to say this baby-faced boy is the same as some mass shooter. In the minds of those on the left, there's no difference between Rittenhouse and a mass shooter. So, it comes as no surprise that the prosecution tries hard to drill this home. Kudos to Kyle for standing his ground.

Prosecutor: "Everyone you shot at that night you intended to kill, correct?"

Rittenhouse: "I didn't intend to kill them. I intended to stop the people who were attacking me."

Prosecutor: "By killing them?"

Rittenhouse: "I did what I had to do to stop the person who was attacking me."

Prosecutor: "By killing them."

Rittenhouse: "Two of them passed away, but I stopped the threat from attacking me."

Does the prosecutor really believe Rittenhouse was out that night, foaming at the mouth, looking to soak the ground in blood? Of course not. If you watch the footage of that night and believe such nonsense, you're an idiot. Oh, wait… Maybe he does believe it… Regardless, only an imbecile could seriously take this stance.

2.) Prosecutor violates Rittenhouse's Fifth Amendment right.

Now, it's getting juicy. The judge dismissed the jury to drill into the prosecutor—this guy is not a good lawyer, or he's a corrupt douche, which is entirely possible. After trying to paint Rittenhouse's pretrial silence as incriminating, the prosecutor gets walloped by the judge.

"The problem is this is a grave constitutional violation."

1.)"Don't get brazen with me!" Judge destroys prosecutor.

This was certainly the best moment today. This actually takes place after our moment that made number five on this list, but it had to get its very own position. It is that good. Judge Awesome, as he will henceforth be known, destroys the prosecution. The only way this could be more of a bloodbath is if the judge went at Binger the way Binger thinks Rittenhouse went at the rioters (see number 3 on our list). It's bad, folks.

In truth, if the prosecution retains their ability to practice law after this trial, I'll be surprised. He's asked someone to change his testimony and he's attempted to violate Kyle's constitutionally protected rights. The only person who should go to jail after this is Binger.

from Steven Crowder Says