Sunday, November 14, 2021

Tim Pool Goes Nuts: ‘You think sitting back and complying will result in you getting by: You are wrong.’

Tim Pool Goes Nuts: ‘You think sitting back and complying will result in you getting by: You are wrong.’
Joseph Gunderson - November 14, 2021 at 08:02AM

Seldom does one say something so accurate, so succinct, and so necessary that everyone—literally everyone—in the country should hear it. Tim Pool managed to do just that, and in under two minutes, I might add.

In a video making the rounds on social media, Pool gets directly to the point: "It will get worse, and it will happen to you because you keep complying."

And Pool isn't wrong. It can and certainly will get worse as a direct result of compliance with the authoritarian rule quickly being placed upon us. We've seen how this works. One need not look deep into the historical record to realize where this goes from here. One need not look even a few years ago. Australia is only a hop, skip, and jump away from what America will indubitably become if the citizenry continues to allow the government to get away with snatching away liberty and violating our God-given rights.

Americans have become extremely complacent in the last few decades. Very few understand what it means to fight, especially in the context of armed conflict. But none of this would have stood even 100 years ago when the Civil War was still a matter of living memory. And it's inarguably true that the founding fathers would have allowed such injustices to go unpunished.

But Americans have grown too comfortable, too trusting of our government.

"Too many people keep saying, 'as long as I keep fellating the state and dropping on my knees for the far-left extremists, I will squeak by.' And you will not. The police will come to your home, they will kick your door in, and they will arrest you."

The police sit by and allow left-wing terrorists like Antifa and BLM to riot in the streets, destroying businesses and literally beating people half-to-death, without nary a move to stop them. They blatantly violate constitutionally protected rights in service to a tyrannical regime headed by a man whose brain is comprised of dead neurons and pudding—who is obviously not the one in control.

As Tim Pool mentions, Project Veritas offices and employees, James O'Keefe himself, were raided by the FBI. When it was ordered that the DOJ halt collecting data from the devices they seized, the DOJ leaked the information.

The government gun is currently aimed at those who disagree with the leftist orthodoxy, who stand against the indoctrination of our children, who the left labels racists, who the left says are domestic terrorists.

We have every right to believe this will only get worse. And, as Tim Pool closes his short rant in such eloquent fashion:

"You think sitting back and complying will result in you getting by: You are wrong."

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