Friday, November 5, 2021

Three You May Have Missed: Biden's Not Mentally Sharp, an Afghan Wedding, and is Your Doctor Going Woke?

Three You May Have Missed: Biden's Not Mentally Sharp, an Afghan Wedding, and is Your Doctor Going Woke?
Brodigan - November 05, 2021 at 01:39PM

It's been a busy week for all of us voting and reveling in Democrat misery over who we voted for. But there were three posts on the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website this week that, if you missed, we feel deserve a second look.

1. While you and I have always known Joe Biden isn't "mentally sharp," other Americans are noticing as well and are telling pollsters. Like, a lot of them.

"Conservatives have sarcastically said Biden would barely make it through one term. We didn't even expect him to be THIS bad. Anyone with eyes can see the man is not well. Mayhaps the polls are meant to tell him something. If so, at what point does a 'sudden health problem' make Biden 'decide' not to run for reelection? I'm setting the over/under for April."

2. The American Medical Association wants doctors to start using language based on "equity" and "inclusivity." As opposed to "science" and "medicine."

"All joking aside, this is ludicrous. The document published by the AMA tells professionals (and, at this point, I use this word loosely—these people shouldn't ever be taken seriously) to use words originating from various woke studies programs, like 'critical race theory … gender studies, disability studies, as well as scholarship from social medicine.' And it even goes so far as to make suggestions. The list isn't short, but one stuck out: replace vulnerable to oppressed."

3. In Afghanistan. two men were arrested for ... *checks notes* ... killing wedding guests for playing music.

"As stated earlier, music is banned under Sharia, and the Taliban has stuck to the stance that music is not to be played. They also executed Fawad Andarabi, an Afghan folk singer, to demonstrate just that. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't listen to music. I wouldn't last more than a handful of minutes in Afghanistan. And let's not forget why this is the case: Biden abandoned the Afghan people, leaving them to the tender mercies of their terrorist warlords."

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from Steven Crowder Says