Thursday, November 4, 2021

Pentagon Investigates Themselves on Botched Drone Strike That Killed Children, Finds They Did Nothing Wrong

Pentagon Investigates Themselves on Botched Drone Strike That Killed Children, Finds They Did Nothing Wrong
Joseph Gunderson - November 04, 2021 at 09:08AM

You may remember the random car the Biden administration decided to drone into oblivion immediately following his poorly planned circus of a withdrawal from Afghanistan. The administration claimed they had bombed a terrorist to kingdom-come, but as it turns out, they didn't. Initial reports were that they killed some random dude just driving around. Later, news came out that it was an entire carload of people, including several children.

Yes, our government killed a carload of kids. I'll give you a pass for not remembering this fact because the media has decided they would rather talk about anything else rather than an egregious, murderous mistake made by Biden's administration and military leadership.

Will anyone be held accountable? This is the question anyone with a soul and even a partially functioning moral compass is asking. And the answer we've received: No one.

The pentagon has finished an investigation into the incident and found "the air strike was not caused by misconduct or negligence." Are you f*cking kidding me?!

I was once punished for proving my first sergeant wrong. I'm not kidding. I admit, I may have done it in a tone he didn't appreciate, but that's beside the point. I didn't turn a bunch of children into pink mist. You're going to tell me there was no negligence involved in the droning of a vehicle full of small children?! Have we redefined the word "negligence"?! This entire operation was predicated on negligence! Everyone involved should be court-martialed!

But the Pentagon is just going to make excuses—a theme throughout Biden's presidency—saying, "breakdowns in communication and in the process of identifying and confirming the target of the bombing" were to blame. Sounds like at least SOME negligence. You would think you'd want all your ducks in a row before literally blowing someone to pieces!

This is beyond reprehensible. This administration and its lackies have taken to blaming everyone and everything for what has gone wrong and refuse to take even an iota of responsibility. Is this what we want from our leadership? I don't. And you shouldn't either.

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