Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Jordan Peterson Unleashes on Government Mandates: 'You F***ing Leave M​e Alone'

Jordan Peterson Unleashes on Government Mandates: 'You F***ing Leave M​e Alone'
Brodigan - November 10, 2021 at 01:45PM

I've disclosed that I got the arm jab. Not in a pay-attention-to-me way. It's to make the point that while the government wants to turn the V's against the unV's, it should really be all of us against the government. I made the decision I thought was good for me. You make a decision you think is good for you. We can all join hands and sing "F*ck Joe Biden" together. But I'll be danged if I don't feel exactly how Jordan Peterson feels.

We got the shot. The government made up new guidelines, regulations, and mandates to make life difficult anyway. So what's the point?

"Canadians who aren't vaccinated can't leave the country. What the hell? Why is that? Look, I for vaccinated, and people took to task for that. I thought I'd get the damn vaccine. Here's the deal: I get the vaccine, you f*cking leave me alone. And did that work? No. So stupid me. That's how I feel about it."

He then noted how even with the vaccine, he still needs to get tested when he returns to the country.

"Well, why did I get the vaccine then if you're not going to leave me alone."

Now they want to come after your children.

It's remarkable. A legion of politicians, unelected bureaucrats, and the news-entertainment complex all claim there is a problem with vaccine hesitancy, that we all need to do what we can to address the root cause of vaccine hesitancy. But it's them! They are the root cause!

Peterson speaks for all of us. The deal was we get the shot, and they leave us the f*ck alone. They're not leaving us the f*ck alone. So now, they can go f*ck themselves.

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