Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Greta Thunberg Unleashes Potty Mouth, Sings Song About Where Global Leaders Can Stick Their Climate Crisis

Greta Thunberg Unleashes Potty Mouth, Sings Song About Where Global Leaders Can Stick Their Climate Crisis
Brodigan - November 02, 2021 at 07:27AM

Global leaders assembled in England to discuss how to use the climate crisis to remake the global economy. Greta Thunberg wasn't invited. She used to be an A-list activist. In the bygone era of this past April, congresswomen would ask her advice on how to speak to their children. Then she got chirpy at John Kerry and is suddenly blacklisted. No longer being trotted out by grown-ups as an expert in "the science," Greta was reduced to protesting outside. Where she was cursing up a storm like a drunken sailor.

She also sang her favorite childhood song. Only, with a lyrical change on where the global leaders could stick their climate mandate.

I'm more a fan of the original.

All of this leads to an important question: why are we still listening to her? Or more precisely, why are some people expecting us to listen to her? I understood the leftist logic before. Greta was a minor AND repeating Democratic talking points. In the eyes of the left that made her an unquestioned expert in her field. See Hogg, David.

She also, between 2017 and 2021, said the exact opposite of Donald Trump. Liberals formed a cult around her as they are known to do. Any criticism makes you a heretic. See Fauci, Pope Tony.

But Greta has turned eighteen, which makes her useless to the left. Plus, Trump was replaced by a Democrat president with occasional narcolepsy. So the media no longer needs to pretend Thunberg's opinion matters. When the Democratic Party finds a thirteen-year-old with Aspergers and bold ideas about a minimum global corporate tax, poor Greta will go the way of most former child stars. See (again) Hogg, David.

Give it a rest, and give her a rest. The grown-ups are talking, and their dumb ideas are terrifying enough.

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