Monday, November 15, 2021

Elon Musk Responds to Bernie Sanders' Latest 'Fair Share' Rant with Such Utter Disrespect, it's Glorious

Elon Musk Responds to Bernie Sanders' Latest 'Fair Share' Rant with Such Utter Disrespect, it's Glorious
Brodigan - November 15, 2021 at 07:08AM

Elon Musk doesn't give what we in the blogging profession refer to as a f*ck. There are a lot of successful people in America, ones who have more zeroes at the end of their net worth than I do, who will pander to the left when it comes to tax hikes, either because they assume it's all talk, don't want people saying mean things about them on Twitter, or they know they'll find a way to not pay it. Elon Musk refuses to pretend to be economically illiterate. Bernie Sanders? Economic illiteracy is Bernie's love language.

Bernie, or some zoomer who tweets on Bernie's account, felt Saturday was time for Bernie's 99,996th complaint that billionaires need to pay their "fair share." Four more times and Bernie gets a trophy.

"We must demand that the extremely wealthy pay their fair share. Period."

Elon Musk happened to be scrolling Twitter as well and responded with all the disrespect Bernie deserves. Not as disrespectful as accusing a Democrat senator of busting one out all over his keyboard. But it's still glorious.

"I keep forgetting that you're still alive."

Musk was willing to treat randos on Twitter with a modicum of respect.

But if Bernie Sanders isn't going to be serious there is no reason for Elon Musk to treat him seriously. This is the same Bernie Sanders who used to say "millionaires and billionaires" need to pay their fair share. Then Bernie became a millionaire. Now, only billionaires or the "super-wealthy" need to pay their fair share. Whatever that is.

Next, I want to see what kind of response Elon Musk can come up with the next time a Democrat claims tax hikes are for "bridges and roads." Maybe we can get popular social media influencer and Bernie-stan Rep. AOC to tweet about it. Then pop popcorn waiting for Musk to check his phone.

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