Monday, November 8, 2021

Elon Musk Destroys Democrat Senator with a Single Vulgar (Yet Hilarious) Tweet About His Face

Elon Musk Destroys Democrat Senator with a Single Vulgar (Yet Hilarious) Tweet About His Face
Brodigan - November 08, 2021 at 08:09AM

Slavery was made illegal in the 1800s. Yet, Elon Musk's Wikipedia page still needs to be updated that he is the current owner of Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), just like Musk owns the United Nations. Wyden is the lead Democrat looking to penalize billionaires for being successful. Elon Musk, as a successful billionaire, has spoken out about it. Things came to a head (and intentional pun that will be made clear later) over the weekend on the Twitters.

The main way Joe Biden claims his "Build Back Better Plan" will be paid for is with Sen. Wyden's "billionaire's tax." One of the key components of this socialist, soggy dream is the "unrealized capital gains tax." When you cash out stocks, the money you made--the REALIZED gains--gets taxed. Democrats want to tax you before you realize those gains, then, I'm assuming, keep taxing you while you still unrealize them. Of course, they say this is just for billionaires. Democrats and other economically illiterate Americans believe the unrealized gains are a means of tax avoidance.

That brings us to the weekend. Musk polled his millions and millions of Twitter followers about this. Should he sell-off of his Tesla stock just so the government gets the money they think they're owed.

Sen. Wyden was not amused by what he called a stunt.

Musk was not amused by Wyden's face. The pun I mentioned about things coming to a head? Well...

"Why does ur pp look like u just came?"

Okay, so the "pp" in the tweet is shorthand for "profile picture." As for the rest of the tweet, this being a family website requires a degree of tact. Let me just say, this is Sen. Wyden's profile picture:

Elon Musk is saying that Wyden looks like this:

If Wyden were a woman, he may look like this:

Are we understanding each other? Or do I need to send you to UrbanDictionary?

The best part about this entire exchange isn't seeing Sen. Douche getting bodied by the hands of everyone's favorite based billionaire. It's that if this exchange gets enough media attention, a reporter somewhere is going to ask Wyden for comment. Please join me in a moment of prayer to the gods of content in the hope that happens.

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