Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Cori Bush Viciously Attacks Joe Manchin, Calls Him Anti-Black, Anti-Woman, and Anti-All the Other Things

Cori Bush Viciously Attacks Joe Manchin, Calls Him Anti-Black, Anti-Woman, and Anti-All the Other Things
Joseph Gunderson - November 02, 2021 at 08:29AM

One sure-fire way to know when a leftist politician, or any leftist for that matter, has absolutely no clue what they're talking about is when they rapid-fire the -isms. When they unload an entire arsenal of -isms they are trying to get as many "oppressed" groups upset to put pressure on whoever they are mad at, and Rep. Cori Bush is big mad at Sen. Joe Manchin, and she went full-rambo with the -isms.

Angry that Sen. Manchin is standing in the way of her preferred progressive spending spree, Rep. Bush came out, guns-a-blazin', to admonish him for not giving the thumbs up to blow out the debt even more than it has been this year.

"Joe Manchin does not get to dictate the future of our country," she said, as she shakes her fist in rage because someone won't let her dictate the future of our country.

And after rattling of the same threadbare lines her communist ilk likes to parrot, she comes in for the kill:

"Joe Manchin's opposition to the Build Back Better Act is anti-black, anti-child, anti-woman, and anti-immigrant […] Senator Manchin must support the Build Back Better Act."

"Joe's a racist, misogynist, xenophobic old man who likes to kick children, and he better get behind what I want passed before I start coming up with other -isms even scarier than these -isms!"

I'm actually surprised she didn't go right for the kill and call Manchin transphobic or homophobic. God knows, anyone identified as being against the LGBT crowd is immediately pounced on by guys in drag, wearing clown-colored wigs, who try to claw out the eyes of their enemies.

It goes without saying, though, that Rep. Bush, like her cohorts in the squad, has never been playing with a full deck. If you only had a few spotty clusters of functioning neurons, you would probably stick with the hits, too. They're safe. It's hard work trying to think when you're only one good bonk on the head from being a drooling imbecile in a padded room.

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