Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Reporter Says Trump Rally Violated COVID Guidelines, So Kayleigh McEnany Delivered a Burn

Reporter Says Trump Rally Violated COVID Guidelines, So Kayleigh McEnany Delivered a Burn
Courtney Kirchoff - September 09, 2020 at 02:18PM

The coronavirus only seems to affect certain people at certain times. If, for example, you're peacefully protesting against racism by setting a building on fire, the risk of contracting COVID seems low. If, however, you want your children to go to school, you're basically Genghis Khan and how dare you. These mixed COVID standards are not lost on White House Press Secretary and general hottie, Kayleigh McEnany. A reporter attempted to accuse Donald Trump of cold-blooded murder by hosting a rally some 170 days into 15 days to flatten the curve. That's why she deftly pointed out the obvious hypocrisy and all but chapped his butt cheeks with a ping pong paddle.

Calling the Trump campaign rally a "peaceful protest" works for me. The Trumpers are just peacefully protesting the idea of a Joe Biden presidency. Seems fair.

Actually since we're on this topic, wouldn't church attendance be a peaceful protest against the devil? How is going out to eat not a peaceful protest against anorexia? Explain how attending a movie or play isn't a peaceful protest against boredom? Seems like attending a wedding is a peaceful protest against long term loneliness, and going to a funeral a peaceful protest against ignoring people who've shaken these mortal coils. Yes, I could do this all day. Since both the participation in and spectating of sports is a peaceful protest against lethargic lifestyles.

When you think about it, all the Trump campaign did with their rally was making peaceful protests great again.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll let myself out. It'll be a peaceful protest against overused cliches and puns.

from Steven Crowder Says