Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Steven Crowder Explains WHY He's Rallying Against Michigan's Tyrannical Governor

Steven Crowder Explains WHY He's Rallying Against Michigan's Tyrannical Governor
Courtney Kirchoff - September 30, 2020 at 08:01PM

Steven Crowder appeared on Glenn Beck's program on Wednesday to explain why he's organizing a rally in Lansing, Michigan against the tyrannical governor Gretchen Whitmer. Her COVID-19 policies, he alleges, have directly led to the deaths of thousands of seniors. He's going to the State Capitol on October 2nd (if you're in the area you should consider joining) and explained to Glenn Beck the stakes:

Steven wants to hold the "Little Authoritarian that could" accountable. Someone freaking should, and media sure isn't.

Listen, I'm in Washington State. My governor is, like Michigan's, a fascist. Steven's rally matters to every state resident who's governor has leveraged the shutdown for force totalitarian rule. If Steven can succeed in ginning up enough media and attention to bring this issue to the forefront, there's no reason residents of Washington, California and New York (our governors suck the most) can't do the same. Also, Texas. Your governor is kinda crappy.

The shutdown is a disaster, yes. But what Whitmer has done to the elderly, much like what Cuomo in New York has allegedly done, is downright criminal.

If you're planning on attending the rally with Steven on Friday, please hit "going" on our Facebook event page.

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from Steven Crowder Says

FLASHBACK: Here's Joe Biden Saying He'll Probably Be Dead in 2020

FLASHBACK: Here's Joe Biden Saying He'll Probably Be Dead in 2020
Brodigan - September 30, 2020 at 01:46PM

This is funny for two reasons. One, then-Sen. Biden was discussing Supreme Court seats, and we're on the cusp of Donald Trump placing his THIRD justice on the bench, replacing what's-her-face with The Glorious ACB (see MITCH MCCONNELL TORCHES THE MEDIA'S ANTI-RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY AGAINST AMY CONEY BARRETT, AND HE HAS RECEIPTS! and THIS LEFTIST MELTDOWN OVER RUTH BADER GINSBURG IS A HYSTERICAL PREVIEW OF WHAT'S TO COME). Two, it's 2020 now and Biden is still technically alive as they try to Weekend at Bernie's him across the finish line and to the White House.

Such a young, vibrant Joe. As opposed to the guy we see now, who looks like he's barely awake half the time. The man who can barely string together sentences and regularly confuses bartenders with Teddy Kennedy. Joe Biden, who when you question his cognitive ability will tell you he doesn't know what you're talking about. No, really. "What are you talking about? Who are you? And what happened to the black guy I used to hang out with?" If only Biden knew what the rest of us know now.

So cheers to you, Joe Biden. You've made it all the way to 2020. Physically. Mentally, the jury is still out.

from Steven Crowder Says

Dan Crenshaw Gets Specific: 'This Is What We Have to Fear if Democrats Take Control'

Dan Crenshaw Gets Specific: 'This Is What We Have to Fear if Democrats Take Control'
Brodigan - September 30, 2020 at 11:03AM

Lots of people rightfully point out how horrible it will be if Democrats get control of all three branches of government. Especially looking at how increasingly unhinged they have gotten since the last time they had total control. The rub is that the argument can tend to be more about random boogeymen that are coming to get us. It plays better with Boomers and on Facebook memes. But as Dan Crenshaw points out (see DAN CRENSHAW BRILLIANTLY DEFINES ANTIFA IN ONLY 40 SECONDS and DAN CRENSHAW DROPPED AN ACTION-ADVENTURE TRAILER THAT IS EASILY THE BEST CAMPAIGN AD EVER), there are actual policies THAT HAVE ALREADY PASSED THE HOUSE we have to worry about. You may not have heard of them. Things tend to not make the news unless Trump tweets about it.

SO...WHO WON!? Presidential Debate Wrap Up | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Poll: Joe Biden Did HORRENDOUSLY with Latino Voters at the Debate

Poll: Joe Biden Did HORRENDOUSLY with Latino Voters at the Debate
Brodigan - September 30, 2020 at 09:20AM

General consensus is that last night's presidential debate was an absolute embarrassment. The fact that the two men on that stage are who we have to decide between for leader of the free world is absolute cringe. MAGA fanbois claim that their guy won. Trump-haters (since let's be honest, Biden doesn't have any actual fans of his own) claim Biden won (see LAS VEGAS 'LATINOS FOR BIDEN' RALLY IS JUST SAD and THIS JOE BIDEN CAR 'PARADE' IS JUST SIMPLY EMBARRASSING AND SAD. Everyone else who is holding their nose as they are forced to vote for one of these two just wants those ninety minutes of their lives back. I mean, how can you say it any better than this:

But if there was one highlight for the Trump side, it was this surprising poll from Telemundo. The "snap polls" after a debate always seem to skew toward the Democrat. And we've been hearing that the Biden campaign's outreach to Latino voters has been nonexistent. But after seeing this, Biden is going to want to donde esta the tequila.

Thirty-two. Latino voters, or at least the ones who watched the debate on Telemundo, thought Trump beat Biden by THIRTY-TWO POINTS. Even in the other network polls that claimed Biden won, it was still only single digits. Whether this is an outlier or a harbinger, we still have one more month and two more debates to figure that out. But if I was the Biden campaign, I'd be muy concerned about this.

from Steven Crowder Says

Mitch McConnell TORCHES the Media's Anti-Religious Bigotry Against Amy Coney Barrett, and He Has Receipts!

Mitch McConnell TORCHES the Media's Anti-Religious Bigotry Against Amy Coney Barrett, and He Has Receipts!
Brodigan - September 30, 2020 at 09:00AM

It's remarkable how some people think that 2017 was so long ago that people can't remember it. Or pull up videos on the YouTubes. The right has been accusing the left of anti-religious bigotry toward Amy Coney Barrett (see A NEW AD IS DEFENDING AMY CONEY BARRETT AGAINST DEMOCRATS' ANTI-CATHOLIC 'BIGOTRY' and LIBERALS ATTACKED AMY CONEY BARRETT FOR ADOPTING BLACK CHILDREN, AND THE HODGETWINS AREN'T HAVING IT!). The left and the media (but I repeat myself) claim, "What bigotry? I don't see any." As if we can't log on to Facebook and find examples from leftist friends and family members easily.

But, fine. Your low-information leftist cousin who gets their news from Occupy Democrat memes and NowThis videos isn't "the left" or "the media." So here is Cocaine Mitch with just a few of the examples people are asking for.

Democrats may be on their best behavior this week, but we know who they are. We specifically know who they are during Supreme Court hearings. Plus their bigotry toward religious people isn't just from 2020 or 2017. It goes back decades. Once the hearing starts and Judge Barrett gets closer to becoming Supreme Court Justice Barrett, Democrats just won't be able to help themselves.

from Steven Crowder Says

HOT MIC! Pennsylvania Democrats Caught Admitting Masks Are Just 'Political Theater'

HOT MIC! Pennsylvania Democrats Caught Admitting Masks Are Just 'Political Theater'
Brodigan - September 30, 2020 at 08:01AM

Regardless of where you are personally about wearing a mask or not wearing a mask, I feel most of us can agree we've had all we can stand of the virtue-signaling about masks. ESPECIALLY when the virtue-signalers are flaming hypocrites about it (see PRO-MASK POSTER BOY DR. FAUCI HAS SOME EXPLAINING TO DO AFTER THIS PHOTO EMERGES and MSNBC REPORTER COMPLAINS NO ONE IS WEARING MASKS. BYSTANDER SAYS THE CAMERA CREW ISN'T WEARING MASKS EITHER!). If the virtue is being signaled by an elected official whose mandates have demanded masks of the commoners, they can pull down their masks just enough to eat a dick.

Then you have Pennsylvania Gov. Wolf and Rep. Ullman, who coordinated their virtue-signaling while — wait for it — admitting it's just political theater.

I see. So, if I have this right, asthmatics are being tased and autistic children are being thrown off of airplanes for something that is just political theater. At least according to two Democrats who want us to think wearing masks is the highest form of patriotism. Just like paying the highest taxes possible and joining unions against our will. Also, punching ourselves in the groin for no apparent reason whatsoever.

Let me throw this suggestion out there as a non-expert and non-scientist: If you are more concerned about the appearance of wearing a mask than you are about catching the virus that the mask is supposed to be protecting you against, either you don't care about the virus, or the mask doesn't do what you're telling the people it does.

from Steven Crowder Says

Liberals Attacked Amy Coney Barrett for Adopting Black Children, and the Hodgetwins Aren't Having It!

Liberals Attacked Amy Coney Barrett for Adopting Black Children, and the Hodgetwins Aren't Having It!
Brodigan - September 30, 2020 at 07:09AM

There have been some pretty unhinged attacks from the left on Amy Coney Barrett. There have been some pretty unhinged attacks from the left claiming all the things are racist (see CNN CALLS MT. RUSHMORE RACIST, PROVING DONALD TRUMP RIGHT ABOUT THEM and COMEDIAN LOOKS AT HOW RACISTS AND WOKE LIBERALS ARE ACTUALLY BFFS). Dr. Ibram X Kendi managed to combine the two. If you are unfamiliar with Kendi, he's the new black guy that white liberals invite on cable news to make them feel bad about themselves. He also thinks future Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett is racist for *checks notes* adopting black children. The Hodgetwins are not amused and not having it. As should anyone who isn't a complete assclown.

The part where the guy who literally wrote the book How to Be an Antiracist has RICHARD F'N SPENCER yelling "right on, brother" over this unhinged attack against the Barrett family is really all you need to know. I would like to think Kendi's opinion is his and his alone, but I spend too much time on Twitter and know it's not. Adopting children, if you are of one color and the child is of another color, is now racist according to the left. Everyone who now invites Kendi on their cable news show or to speak at their college condones that judgment. Those are the rules.

from Steven Crowder Says

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Barstool Sports CEO: Here's How Spotify Should Handle Employees Crying About Joe Rogan

Barstool Sports CEO: Here's How Spotify Should Handle Employees Crying About Joe Rogan
Brodigan - September 29, 2020 at 01:13PM

There should have been a prop bet for when Spotify employees were going to have problems with Joe Rogan. To recap, we've gone from podcast missing on the first day to employees threatening to strike if they aren't granted full editorial control over a guy Spotify just gave $100 million to (see IS SPOTIFY ALREADY CENSORING JOE ROGAN? and CHAEL SONNEN UNLOADS ON THE SPOTIFY LOSERS THREATENING TO STRIKE OVER JOE ROGAN). We're not even at the end of the first month on the deal.

However, if we're looking for a silver lining, now that it's happening to Rogan and people in the mainstream are noticing, it won't be just people on the right talking about Big Tech censorship. Because Barstool Sports CEO Erika Nardini — someone who has experience when "cancel culture" comes knocking on your company door — said something in a video I think more in the mainstream need to think about.

So Spotify employees don't like what Joe Rogan talks about. They don't like his views. They don't like the way he agrees with people. What's gonna happen when the next pop song is launched and Spotify employees don't like the lyrics? Or they don't like the politics of the singer? Or they don't like the past of the singer? Where does cancel culture end?

That's a question we've been wondering for a while. It started with censoring "hate speech," which, even with loose definitions of what that means, we can all agree on a handful of no-no words no one should be saying. Then it was "borderline speech" without ever defining what exactly was borderline other than it was at the whim of the person pressing the buttons. Then it became political comments that weren't "independently" fact-checked by "fact"-"checkers" who have their own agenda. Then doctors who questioned some of the pandemic regulations. Then it's people who have valid concerns about mail-in voting. Now it's Joe Rogan, just because some woke leftist twats who work for Spotify don't like the opinions the people express while on his show, or the fact Rogan has conversations with them.

In fairness, I mostly agree with people who think this is just a handful of employees making a stink and whining to sympathetic reporters. More often than not, a lot of "cancel culture" is five idiots having the same dumb opinion on Twitter and others looking for the cheap clickbait. I, to be honest, I know because we can smell our own. The problem is that while "cancel culture" makes up a really small group who makes up an even smaller portion of America, they seem to make up 95% of people employed by the Big Tech companies.

Hopefully what's happening with Joe Rogan right now helps shine the light on that to a broader audience. All while he gets high AF in his new mansion that he paid for with Spotify employee tears.

from Steven Crowder Says

A New Ad Is Defending Amy Coney Barrett Against Democrats' Anti-Catholic 'Bigotry'

A New Ad Is Defending Amy Coney Barrett Against Democrats' Anti-Catholic 'Bigotry'
Brodigan - September 29, 2020 at 12:14PM

Amy Coney Barrett is officially nominated to the Supreme Court. Democrats are officially unhinged. And Republicans are officially ready for war (see TED CRUZ SAVAGED ELIZABETH WARREN'S SCOTUS HYSTERICS WITH JUST A SINGLE '80S MOVIE QUOTE and COCAINE MITCH ABSOLUTELY DISEMBOWELS CHUCK SCHUMER ON THE FLOOR OF THE SENATE). This new ad from the Judicial Crisis Network hopes to help, focusing on the anti-religious bigotry against Judge Barrett. Funny thing about it: The media claim they don't see the bigotry. Yet as you see in the ad, there are recordings of senators doing just that, all the way back in 2017 — the last time President Trump appointed Barrett to the bench and the last time the Senate confirmed her.

Olive-Brained John Oliver Doesn't Understand the Supreme Court | Good Morning #MugClub

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from Steven Crowder Says

David Hogg Tweets That Violence Is Bad, Is Quickly Bullied by Leftists into Apologizing

David Hogg Tweets That Violence Is Bad, Is Quickly Bullied by Leftists into Apologizing
Brodigan - September 29, 2020 at 09:04AM

Former child star David Hogg isn't having the best 2020. He keeps trying to find that one tweet that is going to reinvigorate his career as a political entertainer (see DAVID HOGG DEFENDS PEOPLE LOOTING IN CHICAGO and DAVID HOGG TRIES TO OWN DONALD TRUMP ON TIKTOK, FAILS MISERABLY). He thought this tweet would do it, where he took the bold stance of saying that violence is bad.

Look, I'm all about finding common ground. It's the only way this country will ever come together and be the melting pot we were taught about as kids. Or, at least, that I was taught about as a kid. I know that we here at LwC have had our share of fun at the Hogganator's expense. But here we have an area of agreement, because I too feel that violence is bad.

Sadly, before we can break bad, he was apparently cyberbullied into apologizing.

Here's the thing: I actually went through the responses for some sadomasochistic reason. Out of many responses of people praising how wonderful he is, I found one critical from the left. I don't know who all "called him out" over his offensive tweet saying that violence is bad. I guess the guilt was just too much for him to handle.

What this does illustrate, however, is just how how extreme the left has gotten: The walking embodiment of low-information progressive catchphrases is no longer efficiently leftist enough because he suggested that young people might want to knock off all that violence they've been doing.

from Steven Crowder Says

The Liberal Running for Senate in North Carolina Just Lost with This Offensive BBQ Tweet

The Liberal Running for Senate in North Carolina Just Lost with This Offensive BBQ Tweet
Brodigan - September 29, 2020 at 08:35AM

Admittedly, I don't know Cal Cunningham from Joe Cunningham. Nor am I familiar with the ins and outs of North Carolina politics, where Cal Cunningham is running for Senate against Sen. Thom Tillis. But I do know BBQ (see VEGAN IS SUING HER NEIGHBORS OVER WAFTING BBQ SMELLS and WATCH: LEFTISTS WANT TO SHUT DOWN BBQ TRUCK OVER HYSTERICAL "LGBTQ" SHIRT). This tweet has me literally shaking right now.

This is a guy running for office in North Carolina — wearing an "Ambassador for North Carolina BBQ" apron that he is selling himself — and his idea of BBQ is cooking burgers and hot dogs ON A GAS GRILL? IN NORTH CAROLINA? THAT'S NOT BBQ, YOU LEFTIST NINCOMPOOP! I live in New York and even I know that. Your general consultant from Park Slope whose idiot idea this photo was should have known too. Dollars to donuts the burgers and hot dogs were that "Impossible" vegan crap too.

BBQ is fire and smoke and huge cuts of meat. Especially — ESPECIALLY — in North Carolina. Otherwise, you are just grilling and barely doing so at that. I don't know much about Thom Tillis, but I do know two things. One is that Sen. Tillis is a vote for Amy Coney Barrett. Two is that Tillis would have a whole hog on cinder blocks or an offset smoker that was made out of an old propane tank.

I just, I can't even look at you right now.

from Steven Crowder Says

Ted Cruz Triggers 'The View' By Exposing Who Is REALLY to Blame for COVID-19: Andrew Cuomo

Ted Cruz Triggers 'The View' By Exposing Who Is REALLY to Blame for COVID-19: Andrew Cuomo
Brodigan - September 29, 2020 at 07:51AM

I say this with all the respect that is due: No elected official in this country can choke on a bag of dicks over the 'rona more than Andrew Cuomo (see ANDREW CUOMO IS WRITING A BOOK ON HIS COVID RESPONSE. SIDE NOTE: OVER 32,000 NYERS ARE DEAD ... and WITH JUST A FEW TWEETS, CNN'S JAKE TAPPER EXPOSED THE TRUTH ABOUT ANDREW CUOMO AND COVID-19). Admittedly, I fell for the media hype at first, but at least I snapped out of it. Others are still trying to keep up the myth that Cuomo was our covid savior and DIDN'T turn New York nursing homes into killing fields. Joy Behar still believes. Which is why I enjoyed watching Ted Cruz drop a giant dookie in her breakfast cereal. (h/t Newsbusters)

I actually think if you look at Florida, if you look at Texas, the death rates have been much, much lower there than for example, states like New York, New Jersey, states with Democratic governors where the death rates have been enormously through the roof. New York in particular has led the country in death rate, and I think it had a lot to do with the Democratic governor there, Governor Cuomo, sending people who had COVID into nursing homes.

More on the right need to follow Cruz's lead. Because leftists like that septuagenarian harpy Joy Behar are always going to focus on whatever Republican official leftists claim is to blame for the 'rona that week. Always pivot to Andrew Cuomo. They want to make the news about the Republican governor of Florida reopening his state. Make the news about the blood of tens of thousands of grandparents that Gov. Chris' Idiot Brother has on his hands.

Olive-Brained John Oliver Doesn't Understand the Supreme Court | Good Morning #MugClub

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from Steven Crowder Says

Ballot Harvester Tied to Ilhan Omar CAUGHT IN THE ACT Giving Cash for Someone's Ballot

Ballot Harvester Tied to Ilhan Omar CAUGHT IN THE ACT Giving Cash for Someone's Ballot
Brodigan - September 29, 2020 at 07:20AM

Notorious rouser of rabble James O'Keefe insists on making it difficult for the left and the media (but I repeat myself) to claim that voter fraud doesn't exist. Yesterday's expose has already led to an investigation in Minneapolis. Let's see what trouble today's video — dropped on the same day as the first presidential debate — can cause.

The MAIL-IN VOTER FRAUD Saga: Incompetence? Intentional? Take Your Pick... | Good Morning #MugClub

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from Steven Crowder Says

Steven Crowder to hold Michigan rally demanding answers from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on virus deaths in nursing homes

Steven Crowder to hold Michigan rally demanding answers from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on virus deaths in nursing homes
Tarah Price - September 28, 2020 at 02:09PM

BlazeTV host Steven Crowder will host a rally in Michigan to demand answers from the state government on how many lives COVID-19 claimed in senior care facilities.

Crowder announced Monday that the first 1,000 people to attend his rally at noon ET Friday at the Michigan state Capitol in Lansing will get a "How Many Seniors?" sign. He wants to organize activists to pressure Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) to release data on nursing home deaths during the coronavirus pandemic.

The COVID-19 death toll in all categories of long-term care facilities in Michigan remains a mystery. Although the state has reportedly been collecting data on coronavirus deaths since May 29, Michigan has not reported all of its data as other states have.

At the onset of the pandemic, Whitmer, like New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), issued an executive order requiring nursing home facilities at less than 80% capacity to take in coronavirus patients. While her policy required infected residents to be housed in separate wings and attended by different staff than healthy residents, state inspections revealed that did not happen.

In June, the state reported that 1,947 nursing home residents and 20 staff members died of COVID-19. Those deaths account for one-third of all virus deaths in Michigan. It is not clear how many of those individuals were quarantined in nursing homes under Whitmer's coronavirus policies.

The Trump administration's Department of Justice has requested nursing home data from four states, including Michigan and New York, as part of an investigation into their nursing home policies and executive orders requiring nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients into their facilities. The DOJ is seeking reports on the number of people nursing homes in these states admitted from a hospital or other medical facility after testing positive for COVID-19.

The federal government also wants data on the number of residents, employees, and visitors of public nursing homes who contracted the virus, without regard to where they contracted it, and how many of those individuals died.

"Protecting the rights of some of society's most vulnerable members, including elderly nursing home residents, is one of our country's most important obligations," Eric Dreiband, the assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Division, said in a statement. "We must ensure they are adequately cared for with dignity and respect and not unnecessarily put at risk."

Whitmer and Cuomo accused the Trump administration of politicizing their policies in a joint statement released in August after the DOJ made its request.

"It is an inarguable fact that the United States has had the worst response to the COVID-19 virus of any nation in the world. Nearly 7 million Americans have tested positive for the virus, and more than 200,000 Americans have been killed by it — both more than any other country. The unprecedented and unacceptable scale of this tragedy is the direct result of President Trump and the federal government's deceit, political self-dealing, and incompetence," they asserted.

"Rather than turning to the advice and direction of public health experts and career public servants, President Trump instead put the health and security of the American people in the hands of political appointees whose first priority was securing the reelection of their benefactor, with predictably tragic results," the governors added.

Crowder's rally will feature new evidence, data, and testimony on nursing home deaths in Michigan, along with public demands that Whitmer release the full data available on these avoidable deaths.

from Steven Crowder Says

Monday, September 28, 2020

Mike Rowe for President? Here’s Why He Thinks It’s a BAD Idea...

Mike Rowe for President? Here’s Why He Thinks It’s a BAD Idea...
Brodigan - September 28, 2020 at 02:59PM

Tuesday night will be the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. I don't feel I'm talking out of turn in saying that, regardless of who wins the debate, there is a sizable portion of the electorate who can't believe that these are the two people we're stuck voting for. A lot of Americans don't like what politics has turned into, while some revel in the chaos. In the case of the later group, we can smell our own.

As for the former group, enough of them as reached out to Mike Rowe that he felt the need to respond. Rowe is viewed as a moderate independent, though you sometimes get the feeling that he heavily leans in one direction (see A WRITER TELLS MIKE ROWE TO LEAVE COVID TO THE EXPERTS. ROWE WRECKS HIS FACE INSTEAD... and MIKE ROWE JUST SAVAGED A TROLL WHO CAME AFTER HIM FOR DOING A PRAGERU VIDEO). While Mr. Dirty Jobs is flattered by the grassroots campaign and/or overzealous fanboys (again, we can smell our own), he feels it's not for him. Though his reasoning for not running is a lot of people's reasoning for him running...

I'd be a TERRIBLE politician. Not because I don't love our country – I do. But because I'm not interested in the welfare of groups, and right now, our country feels like a collection of groups. Specifically, groups defined by race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and all sorts of other things beyond the individual's ability to control. I have no interest in winning the approval of these groups, or in helping one group at the expense of another.

I'm interested in helping individuals. Specifically, those individuals who impress me with a mix of work ethic, attitude, personal responsibility, and a willingness to learn a skill that's in demand. That's why I run a foundation that rewards individuals with those qualities. I know how to do that. I do not know how to return our country to the melting pot we're supposed to be.

Hell yeah, brother.

Though I would argue dealing with the first paragraph would be exactly how to return us to all swimming around in the same melting pot. "I'm going to unite the country by not dividing the county. Now who want's ice cream?" The fact that so many people focus more on the identity politics is the very reason why we're not united. It's easier that way and playing us all against each other brings in more donations.

So while Rowe claims he isn't a politician, I think he'd make the perfect president. At least until the media dug up that he was mean to a girl when he was fourteen and made a mistake on his taxes once. Truly "independent" or not, Mike Rowe isn't a progressive douche, so of course the media would have to destroy him before too many people got to hear his common sense.

from Steven Crowder Says

Ted Cruz Savaged Elizabeth Warren's SCOTUS Hysterics with Just a Single '80s Movie Quote

Ted Cruz Savaged Elizabeth Warren's SCOTUS Hysterics with Just a Single '80s Movie Quote
Brodigan - September 28, 2020 at 12:57PM

Blog posts like this work on two different levels for me. Any time Ted Cruz owns a leftist on Twitter, it usually means a good day for clicks (see AOC TRIED TO COME AFTER TED CRUZ ON TWITTER, BUT CRUZ SHUT HER DOWN and THIS TED CRUZ TWEET WILL SEND THE CHAZ CRYING TO THEIR MOMMIES). But also, it lets Uncle Brodigan introduce you youngbloods to a highly underrated '80s classic.

First, the ownage on Twitter. It involves Elizabeth Warren. Leftists have gone to Defcon Eleventy over Donald Trump appointing Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Warren brought a little extra something-something with a literal cacophony of leftist buzz words that she spun in to actual sentences. Take away the fact that every she wrote was bullsh!t, it's still impressive. Her colleague Senator Cruz thought she might want to consider turning it down a notch and channeled Chris Knight in this gem.

Oldheads likes me will recognize the quote from the '80s classic Real Genius, the greatest Val Kilmer movie since Top Secret. Here's the quote in question.

Olive-Brained John Oliver Doesn't Understand the Supreme Court | Good Morning #MugClub

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from Steven Crowder Says

Steven Crowder fact checks John Oliver on the recent SCOTUS nomination

Steven Crowder fact checks John Oliver on the recent SCOTUS nomination
Tarah Price - September 28, 2020 at 09:32AM

Steven reviews the latest Biden slip-ups and turns to expose the many problems with the Democrats' mail-in voting and ballot harvesting in 2020. He also reviews Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, and fact checks John Oliver's recent segment on the SCOTUS nomination.

from Steven Crowder Says