Monday, August 31, 2020

WTF: New Report Suggests COVID Cases were Overblown by... 90 Percent!?

WTF: New Report Suggests COVID Cases were Overblown by... 90 Percent!?
Courtney Kirchoff - August 31, 2020 at 05:44PM

Remember how the panic pornographers (as they've rightly been dubbed) couldn't wait for millions of people to die, because according to their wildest hopes and dreams, the coronavirus was just ALL CAPS TERRIBLE! Remember how we were told to "trust the experts" and to shutdown our entire way of life out of "an abundance of caution"? Remember how we just needed "15 days to flatten the curve" in order to "slow the spread" and stop hospitals from being flooded with coronavirus patients? Recall all businesses which have been ruined or altogether erased from our economy? Remember the destruction wrought on people's lives? Jobs lost? Weddings canceled? Funerals unattended? Schools shutdown? Graduations canceled? That's just the tip of this very chilly iceberg. And, at least according to the latest from The New York Times, which is hardly an anti-masking crowd, as many as 90% of people who tested "positive" for COVID-19 carried "insignificant" amounts of the virus and were likely not contagious. That means, in my opinion, all this shutdown bull shit was just that.

What went so wrong? Firstly, people bought into COVID-PANIC hook, line and sinker with nary a critical thought to the bigger picture. Here's looking at you mask-nazis. At least you can one day recycle that dirty cloth mask to wipe the egg off your face.

But second to that, turns out the testing methods were too sensitive. From my non-scientific background here's how I best: the testing methods were picking up even the slightest presence of genetic material of the virus. But the test wasn't accounting for how much material was present, which is relevant in how the virus spreads. I need analogies to understand a lot, so let's put it this way: It's much harder to splash water on yourself if your glass has but a drop of water inside. So it seems to be with spreading the virus. From The Times:

The PCR test amplifies genetic matter from the virus in cycles; the fewer cycles required, the greater the amount of virus, or viral load, in the sample. The greater the viral load, the more likely the patient is to be contagious. This number of amplification cycles needed to find the virus, called the cycle threshold, is never included in the results sent to doctors and coronavirus patients, although it could tell them how infectious the patients are. In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found.

That means we "quarantined" for nothing. Okay, fact-checkers, almost nothing.

There's going to come a time when those of us who sounded the alarm, very early on, become rather obnoxious about being right. For me personally, that was a few months ago. This latest news only makes me angry. As it should you.

For the past five months, if not more, we ruined our lives. If not ruined, damaged. Altered. Denied people. For no reason at all. Think about all you lost. Scratch that. Think about all that was taken from you.

It looks like it was all for nothing.

If you're not mad, what is wrong with you? Egg on your face? Wipe it off and get angry. You got duped and possibly actively participated in ruining people's lives. Learn from this and stop being such a miserable tw*t. Then demand we reopen the world, right now.

from Steven Crowder Says

HATE CRIME: Anti-fascist mob 'is not sad a f***ing fascist died'

HATE CRIME: Anti-fascist mob 'is not sad a f***ing fascist died'
Tarah Price - August 31, 2020 at 02:41PM

Calling yourself an anti-fascist and then shooting someone because they vote differently than you doesn't make you anti-fascist. It makes you a fascist and a liar. Yet for years, the left painted the right as fascists and hostile against minorities. Plot twist: the fascist enemy existed in the mirror of every radical leftist all along. Steven Crowder covered this in detail on Monday's episode of "Good Morning Mug Club."

from Steven Crowder Says

LIVE: Antifa Murders Trump Supporter in Portland

LIVE: Antifa Murders Trump Supporter in Portland
Tarah Price - August 31, 2020 at 09:16AM

Steven covers the latest surprising CDC statistics on COVID. He reviews the Portland shooting of a Trump supporter by Antifa protesters as well as other recent attempted murders committed in the name of #BlackLivesMatter. Lastly, we update you on the Kyle Rittenhouse case, the young man charged with 1st-degree murder for defending himself from rioters in Kenosha.

from Steven Crowder Says

A Friend of the Trump Supporter Executed in Portland Speaks: 'They Hunted Us Down'

A Friend of the Trump Supporter Executed in Portland Speaks: 'They Hunted Us Down'
Brodigan - August 31, 2020 at 12:57PM

Over the weekend, a Trump supporter was shot and killed by Black Lives Matter Antifa Joe Biden supporters. The man has since been identified as Aaron "Jay" Danielson, and there is a crowdsourcing page set up for his family. An unidentified friend of his shares what happened that night in horrific detail. As you listen to this, keep in mind: These are the people and this is the violence that other Joe Biden supporters in the media claim don't exist. And that they ignored until it affected Joe Biden's poll numbers.

You can already hear Biden supporters trying to blame a Trump supporter being murdered on Donald Trump. And not the violence Biden supporters have been ignoring for the past few months, if they haven't actually been encouraging it. Like, say for example, Joe Biden's running mate. Now the new message is that the only way to stop Joe Biden supporters from burning buildings, destroying people's livelihoods, and now killing people is to vote for Joe Biden.

Yeah, f*ck you all very much with that. Biden's supporters wanted the chaos. Biden supporters promoted the chaos, Joe Biden owns the chaos.

from Steven Crowder Says

This Crazy Lady Tried to Steal a MAGA Flag. It Didn't Work Out for Her ...

This Crazy Lady Tried to Steal a MAGA Flag. It Didn't Work Out for Her ...
Brodigan - August 31, 2020 at 09:15AM

May you never find yourself so consumed by your hatred of a politician that you get triggered by pieces of fabric. It sounds like a miserable way to live (see A CAPE COD MAN TRIED TO RUN OVER SOMEONE SELLING MAGA SWAG. THEN, HE DROPPED HIS PANTS. and WATCH THESE BIDEN SUPPORTERS MAKE A 7-YEAR-OLD TRUMP SUPPORTER CRY AND STEAL HIS HAT). I believe this video takes place in Portland, while Trump supporters were doing a pro-Trump car parade. That's when a nearby Biden supporter saw the flag and went into HULK SMASH mode. Over a flag. That said the word Trump on it.

I know we're not supposed to laugh at the mentally ill, but I'm not always a good person.

Disclaimer/missing/context/maybe the guys were jerks/etc. We've seen enough leftists go into full meltdown, it's safe to assume this is just a crazy lady going crazy.

Though I do have to hand it to the MAGA fanbois. They saw the car parades people were throwing for kids during the pandemic and said to themselves, "Let's throw some Trump swag on it and drive around town." Game respect game.

from Steven Crowder Says

Ryan Long Wonders What Liberal Blogs Will Be Like IF Trump Loses

Ryan Long Wonders What Liberal Blogs Will Be Like IF Trump Loses
Brodigan - August 31, 2020 at 09:15AM

There was a belief that conservatives actually wanted Hillary Clinton to win, just because she would be what's best for business. That business being cable news ratings and the baiting of clicks. Not that there wasn't some merit to the argument. It is the prerogative of every patriotic American to weigh what's best for the country vs. what's best to fill their bank accounts with outrage click dolla' dolla' bills. Conservatives were able to adjust, because even with Trump in power, there was still a wealth of leftist meltdown material to write about (see CHECK OUT THIS LIBERAL MELTDOWN OVER ONLY GOD KNOWS WHAT and SINGLE MOTHER IN PORTLAND WANTS YOU TO KNOW HOW SLEEP-DEPRIVED SHE IS FROM ALL THAT PROTESTING).

Progressives, on the other hand, are so obsessed with Trump, I'm not sure they'll be able to survive. As Ryan Long imagines in this sketch.

Crowder's Employee on The Cube of Saturn Conspiracy | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Dan Crenshaw Just Exposed Joe Biden's Sudden Concern About Violence and Riots in Only One Tweet

Dan Crenshaw Just Exposed Joe Biden's Sudden Concern About Violence and Riots in Only One Tweet
Brodigan - August 31, 2020 at 07:31AM

Joe Biden is suddenly concerned about all the violence, rioting, and looting his supports are doing lately. Especially after his supporters started openly calling for killing other people, and one actually did (see TWO BLACK LIVES MATTER SPEAKERS DECLARE 'OPEN SEASON' ON COPS, TIME TO 'PUT THEM IN THEIR GRAVES' and REPORT: TRUMP SUPPORTER KILLED WHILE PORTLAND RIOTERS CELEBRATE). I guess having the media claim on your behalf that none of it is actually happening is no longer working for Kamala Harris' running mate. Biden is set to speak on the issue on Monday, and Rep. Dan Crenshaw has an idea why the sudden rush.

Really, though. It's so obvious, you clearly don't need both your eyes to see what's going on here.

What madness is Crenshaw talking about? Here's the most recent example.

It would appear the American people have been sitting at home watching Joe Biden supporters destroy people's livelihoods, watching Joe Biden stans in the media stand in front of burning buildings claiming that there's nothing to see here, and have decided, "You know something, we don't like this." So now Biden is going to pretend to be concerned and claim it's all Trump's fault, while the media reports, "Look how concerned Biden is! This is all totally Trump's fault!" Biden will probably also only have to speak out once. As his supporters continue to violently riot, the media will just point to a single speech he gave and claim that was enough. Republicans will probably be accused of "seizing" on something. I don't know, it feel like we've seen this movie before,

Personally, I don't think it's going to work, and the American people are not going to buy what Biden is trying to sell. But it's up to all of us to make sure it doesn't.

from Steven Crowder Says

Two Black Lives Matter Speakers Declare 'Open Season' on Cops, Time to 'Put Them in Their Graves'

Two Black Lives Matter Speakers Declare 'Open Season' on Cops, Time to 'Put Them in Their Graves'
Brodigan - August 31, 2020 at 07:30AM

Joe Biden is supposed to address the violence and riots that are being perpetrated by his supporters this week. Like, with a speech in public and everything. I guess once his supporters started leaving a body count, now is as good a time as any (see REPORT: TRUMP SUPPORTER KILLED WHILE PORTLAND RIOTERS CELEBRATE and WATCH THESE BIDEN SUPPORTERS USE A GUILLOTINE TO CHOP TRUMP'S HEAD OFF IN EFFIGY). I'm curious to see how many of his supporters he is willing to call out, especially as they are now openly declaring it's open season on police officers and that cops need to be "put in the ground."

In Kenosha:

Crowder Confronts Rioter LIVE in Kenosha! | Louder with Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

WRECKED: Donald Trump Jr. laid into Sleepy Joe Biden and it was glorious​

WRECKED: Donald Trump Jr. laid into Sleepy Joe Biden and it was glorious​
Tarah Price - August 28, 2020 at 09:00PM

The world owes Crowder fans a huge thank you! After being on the fence about whether or not he would stream the 2020 RNC convention, Crowder tossed the decision to his fans who voted YES!

The outcome: the world was blessed with this fantastic interview with Donald Trump Jr., absolutely wrecking Joe Biden for not fixing ANYTHING during the first half-century of his career. Enjoy....

from Steven Crowder Says

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Jason Whitlock Blasts LeBron James as a "Bigot" Who Need to Shut Up

Jason Whitlock Blasts LeBron James as a "Bigot" Who Need to Shut Up
Brodigan - August 30, 2020 at 09:34AM

LeBron James took a break last week from not being as good as Michael Jordan to organize a boycott over the NBA playoffs. A boycott, mind you, that Michael Jordan solved. But that's not the issue here. LeBron wanted to address the officer involved shooting in Kenosha, and politics in general (see THE HODGETWINS BLAST LEBRON JAMES OVER HIS JACOB BLAKE COMMENTS and WATCH: LEBRON JAMES DEFENDS COMMUNIST CHINA OVER MEAN TWEETS). Sports commentator Jason Whitlock wishes that the basketball player should stick with what he knows.

I'm not a fan of "shut up and dribble." Entertainers/athletes/famous people have the same right to speak out that everyone else does. The rub is that they have audiences they are insanely influential over, and I would prefer it if those political opinions were well thought out a reasoned. As Whitlock lays out in explicit detail, LeBron is anything but.

Trump Jr. WRECKS Biden: "He's Been There Half a F****** Century!" | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Report: Trump Supporter Killed While Portland Rioters Celebrate

Report: Trump Supporter Killed While Portland Rioters Celebrate
Brodigan - August 30, 2020 at 08:05AM

This is a horrible story. Also, I'm surprised it's taken so long to happen after 90+ plus days of violent riots in Portland (see PORTLAND PROTESTERS ASSAULTED TWO OLD LADIES and PORTLAND ANTIFA KICKS OFF THE DEMOCRAT CONVENTION BY PULLING A MAN FROM HIS CAR AND BEATING HIM). Whether it's "Black Lives Matter," "Antifa," or whoever else, as far as I'm concerned these are all just Biden-Harris supporters at this point. The violence is allowed by Biden-Harris supporting elected officials looking the other way. Now, there's a body count.

Violent clashes between a massive pro-Trump caravan that drove through Portland and Black Lives Matter protesters left at least one person dead in a shooting Saturday evening, according to reports. An Associated Press freelance photographer heard three gunshots and then observed police medics working on the body of the victim, who appeared to be a white man. The freelancer said the man was wearing a hat bearing the insignia of Patriot Prayer, a right-wing group whose members have frequently clashed with protesters in Portland in the past.

Here are some videos from the scene thanks to independent reporters.

More details will be coming out over the next few days. If those details back up what's been reported so far, expect the story to be buried and hidden from CNN and the rest of the Biden supporting media. This will be a random news story where the shooter's motive was unclear, then in the same breath claim Donald Trump literally killed people because the audience watching his speech Thursday night weren't wearing masks.

They've been ignoring Portland for over 90 days so far. Don't expect them to start giving a sh!t now.

from Steven Crowder Says

Friday, August 28, 2020

J.K. Rowling Returns Award, Goes on Offense Against Rabid Transgender Movement

J.K. Rowling Returns Award, Goes on Offense Against Rabid Transgender Movement
Courtney Kirchoff - August 28, 2020 at 12:54PM

We break up the rioting coverage to bring you back to the frontlines of the gender wars, where unexpected hero, J.K. Rowling, is still battling it out against the real hate-mongers of our time: cultural marxists. Here's what happened. Kerry Kennedy, who's president of the Robert F Kennedy Human Rights published a statement calling J.K. Rowling a transphobe. As is standard in 2020 if anyone dares utter such radical phrases as "men are not women, women are not men." This move inspired Rowling to once again apply fingers to keyboard, restating much of what she's already stated. Mainly that to be pro-woman doesn't mean one is against transpeople or hateful of them. She's concerned what the transgender movement is doing to women and transpeople struggling with gender dysphoria. Yep, she used "gender dysphoria." Hero. But here's the money shot in the short essay:

After hearing personally from some of these women, and from such a wide range of professionals, I've been forced to the unhappy conclusion that an ethical and medical scandal is brewing. I believe the time is coming when those organisations and individuals who have uncritically embraced fashionable dogma, and demonised those urging caution, will have to answer for the harm they've enabled.

She was being classy about it, but don't miss the threat. Rowling just echoed what many of us, typically on the right, have said about the transgender issue for years: there will come a time, likely sooner than later, when leaders in both the medical and cultural spheres will have to answer for their encouragement of hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery. For this encouragement to damage the human body over an issue that is psychological, is a direct slap in the face of the Hippocratic oath.

For doctors, protection of the human person, the promise to do no harm, supersedes — always — any kind of dogma or cultural shift. Yet doctors have gone along with the cultural shift. Doctors have not only allowed harm, they've often encouraged it.

They will be brought forth by some kind of tribunal and made to answer for this. The time is coming, it won't be long.

Rowling wasn't done. Not only has she announced the coming war, she's putting all her money where her mouth is:

In solidarity with those who have contacted me but who are struggling to make their voices heard, and because of the very serious conflict of views between myself and RFKHR, I feel I have no option but to return the Ripple of Hope Award bestowed upon me last year. I am deeply saddened that RFKHR has felt compelled to adopt this stance, but no award or honour, no matter my admiration for the person for whom it was named, means so much to me that I would forfeit the right to follow the dictates of my own conscience.

Symbolic? Sure. Necessary? Absolutely. A slap in the face to the RFKHR? Oh heck yes.

from Steven Crowder Says

LIVE! #CrowderRNCStream: Special guests include Donald Trump Jr. and Ted Cruz

LIVE! #CrowderRNCStream: Special guests include Donald Trump Jr. and Ted Cruz
Tarah Price - August 27, 2020 at 07:11PM

Watch the final night of the RNC live with Crowder and company! Later, Donald Trump Jr. and Ted Cruz join the stream as guests. Crowder goes live at 8 PM ET.

from Steven Crowder Says

Rand Paul was Attacked By Protestors Outside of the White House

Rand Paul was Attacked By Protestors Outside of the White House
Brodigan - August 28, 2020 at 08:12AM

Among the people "peaceful protestors" were violently attacking Thursday night were Rand Paul and his wife. He's a Republican, so you probably won't see demands from CNN and MSNBC for Democrats to denounce this. But this was the scene.

Interesting thing here. I can only assume these are Joe Biden supporters who are super serious about reform. Who I guess don't know that Republicans tried passing reform, but Joe Biden's party refused to do anything (see DEMOCRATS PROVE BLACK LIVES DON'T MATTER TO THEM, AND TIM SCOTT IS PISSED and PATHETIC: 'WOKE' PELOSI AND SCHUMER CAN'T REMEMBER GEORGE FLOYD'S NAME). It's curious that these Joe Biden supporters would attack Rand Paul of all people.

There is a reason why the Democrat Party said they aren't going to tackle police reform — something they claimed we couldn't wait a single second more on — until after the election. They want the chaos and to exploit the ignorance of their base to create more chaos, because they think it will help them Weekend at Bernie's Joe Biden his way to the White House. This is the game for the next few months. Saddle up.

from Steven Crowder Says

Here Are Some White Joe Biden Supporters Calling a Black Cop 'Uncle Tom'

Here Are Some White Joe Biden Supporters Calling a Black Cop 'Uncle Tom'
Brodigan - August 28, 2020 at 07:11AM

Joe Biden supporters were protesting outside Donald Trump's acceptance speech Thursday night. Or I'm assuming they were Biden supporters. Pretend I'm the mainstream media reporting on someone wearing a red hat yelling a political opinion they disagree with. Same standard. Joe Biden's opponent was giving a speech. People who don't like Joe Biden's opponent were yelling and screaming outside. It's safe to assume they were Biden supporters. Plus any time a white liberal calls a black person an "Uncle Tom" (see WHITE LEFTIST GETS BTFO'D LECTURING BLACK COP ON RACISM and THIS PORTLAND POLICE OFFICER CONFIRMS WHAT WE KNOW: THE REAL PROBLEM IS WHITE LIBERALS), it's generally a clear sign they are a Democrat.

Especially when the African-American the white liberal is yelling racist comment at is a police officer.

This is the next three months of our lives. With the option for two extra months after Donald Trump wins re-election. It would be nice if we could have a rational discussion on issues, but that's not the world we live in right now. The leftist news-entertainment complex has made the rules of engagement clear. I'm just following along.

from Steven Crowder Says

Watch These Biden Supporters Use a Guillotine to Chop Trump's Head Off in Effigy

Watch These Biden Supporters Use a Guillotine to Chop Trump's Head Off in Effigy
Brodigan - August 28, 2020 at 07:10AM

I can remember four years ago, people in Indiana had an offensive effigy of Barack Obama in a parade. It became a national news story. All Republicans were forced to denounce it. All Trump supporters were smeared over it, including Trump himself. I bring this up because last night, Biden supporters chopped Donald Trump's head off in effigy, using a guillotine. Because that's how Biden supporters do now HERE ARE SOME WHITE JOE BIDEN SUPPORTERS CALLING A BLACK COP 'UNCLE TOM' and WATCH THESE BIDEN SUPPORTERS MAKE A 7-YEAR-OLD TRUMP SUPPORTER CRY AND STEAL HIS HAT).

I kinda doubt we'll see any media coverage tough. If this was a MAGA supporter sharing a meme on Facebook, than maybe.

CNN FACT-CHECK: They didn't chop Trump's head off in effigy. They only stuck his head in the guillotine and threatened to chop his head off.

Also, how exactly does the guillotine get to these places? Someone would need to put it in a truck or some other big vehicle, drive it to the protest, assemble it ... with no one noticing. A torture device gets dragged through the streets of liberal cities, and no one thinks twice. Especially in Washington, D.C., where you can't carry a gun ... but you can carry a guillotine.

Yet if someone was shows up at a Trump rally with mean words written on a piece of cardboard, we need to have a national conversation about it.

from Steven Crowder Says

BRILLIANT: Crowder and his crew re-enact police encounters

BRILLIANT: Crowder and his crew re-enact police encounters
Tarah Price - August 28, 2020 at 01:53AM

If you only watch one video today, let it be this one. You will not be disappointed. Preceding Crowder's 2020 RNC Convention stream on Thursday, he and his crew re-enacted police encounters, followed by an epic rant on criminal martyrs. Brilliant.

from Steven Crowder Says