Brodigan - June 01, 2020 at 08:24AM
I actually like Justin Timberlake. While most of you were hunched over a computer this weekend scrolling through riot videos, I was having a dance party with my niece to the "Trolls" soundtrack. "Can't Stop the Feeling" and his cover of "True Colors" are our jams. As far as celebrities go, he's one of the least douchey ones. However, he's the one who got called out by Sen. Ted Cruz for his #MinnestoaRiots virtue-signaling (see MSNBC CLAIMS #MINNESOTARIOT IS MOSTLY PEACEFUL WHILE STANDING IN FRONT OF A BURNING BUILDING and RIOTERS BURNED DOWN A MINNEAPOLIS POLICE STATION, POLICE FLEE). So here we are.
There were articles in the trades actually saying that bragging about your donation to the Minnesota Freedom Fund is a new status symbol. So congratulations to all you cats and kittens destroying the Twin Cities! Hollywood has your back! Which is a perfect example of the disconnect between them and the rest of the world. Because while celebrities are signaling their virtue over a non-profit with a good PR team, normal people's hearts are breaking over images like this.
That's some of the people suffering while Hollywood wants to bail out those causing the suffering, which, as we're finding out, may have been mostly white ANTIFA members. Celebrities I guess just care more about race than the rest of us.
Justin, if you're reading this, that first tweet includes a link to a GoFundMe page. Help the guy out!
from Steven Crowder Says