Brodigan - June 24, 2020 at 09:25AM

I'm sure these African-American police officers appreciated Becky here explaining racism to them. You know, black lives matter and all that, except when those black lives are a part of the system Becky heard about in a NowThis video. She probably also saw a few #DefundThePolice TikToks (see #DEFUNDTHEPOLICE? HERE'S THE HORRIFYING WAY SCUMBAGS ARE PROTESTING COPS and THIS TEEN MAKES BEARS FOR CHILDREN OF FALLEN OFFICERS. NOW LIBERALS ARE SENDING DEATH THREATS.). Said to herself, "Like, I can totally go out and make a difference 'n' stuff!"
Imagine being so clueless at a protest for alleged racial justice and yelling this at people who look different from you in the name of racial justice.
from Steven Crowder Says