Thursday, June 18, 2020

Two Black Women Confronted a Cop Eating Breakfast ... and Said Thank You

Two Black Women Confronted a Cop Eating Breakfast ... and Said Thank You
Brodigan - June 18, 2020 at 07:57AM

Sometimes, a reminder of people's humanity comes just when you need it. God knows we could all use a reminder right now (see WATCH AS TWO COPS AND TWO PROTESTERS HUG IT OUT and THIS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL COACH'S POWERFUL SPEECH ON RACISM IS WHAT WE NEED RIGHT NOW). Two black women confronted a white cop eating breakfast at a Cracker Barrel. What happened next will surprise you, but only if you spend too much time on Twitter and forget how people are in real life.

Sumner County Patrol Deputy Jody McDowell said only a few minutes after receiving his meal at Cracker Barrel, his waitress said "I was told to give this to you" and handed over a note.

McDowell said two African-American women who were sitting in the dining area got up to leave, but wanted to stop over at his table and thanked him for his service before they headed back to Baltimore.

This is the real world. Where black lives matter and blue lives matter as well. Saying one doesn't mean you dismiss the other, both have specific meanings, and all lives mattering is implied. Keep this in mind as you're in the cybertrenches today.

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