Brodigan - June 19, 2020 at 08:26AM

Let's state at the outset that I don't like some of the language used here. I don't find references that date back to slavery to be helpful (to say the least) and cringe whenever someone on my side says "liberal plantation" and other things along those lines. However, I don't know a single African-American conservative who doesn't have these things said to them regularly, more often than not by woke-ass racist white liberals. Even Sen. Tim Scott gets it (see TIM SCOTT UNLOADS ON RACIST ATTACKS. COMING FROM LEFTISTS! and OUCH: SENATOR TIM SCOTT PUTS RACIST LIBERALS TO SHAME ON SENATE FLOOR...). Also, like most open-minded and tolerant conservatives, I feel it to be important to amplify black voices. So here's a rebuttal to anyone calling black conservatives "sellouts" or worse.
from Steven Crowder Says