Brodigan - June 19, 2020 at 02:20PM

It's been another week of everything sucks, everything is terrible, and oh my God why won't someone do something. Let's go into the weekend with a hearty chuckle. Because like most people who have the slightest bit of a sense of humor, some of my coworkers and I communicate with quotes and gifs from The Office. Really, it's become our second language. Someone just has to iMessage something like the words "Scott's Totts" and we all stare at our phones giggling.
So in the name of racial unity, celebrating Juneteeth, and ... I don't know, other reasons, let's all just take a moment to celebrate the special relationship between Michael Scott and Darryl Philbin.
Okay, maybe "unity" is the wrong word here, since Michael was the unwitting and unknowing butt of the joke. But is he really that much different from a lot of whiter leftists we see on Twitter these days? If The Office were on the air today, Michael would most likely take a knee every time Darryl entered the office. There would probably even be a meeting where Michael demanded that everyone take turns washing Stanley's feet just because he saw a viral video on it. Dwight would of course have a problem with it. As would, quite frankly, Stanley. All while Jim shoots the camera a "what f*cking idiots these guys are" look.
My point in all this is while yes, everything sucks and everything is terrible, it pays to get out of the social media echo chamber and basically just lighten the hell up. I do that by going down the rabbit hole of The Office clips.
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