Courtney Kirchoff - June 17, 2020 at 02:00PM

A walking piece of human garbage who randomly shoved a 92-year-old woman to the ground and kept on walking, in a video that's since gone viral, a has been arrested. He was arrested rather quickly because Rashid Brimmage, 31 years-old, has a rap-sheet as long as his mother's shame. Authorities recognized the skidmark and arrested him. Not that his arrest will matter. He has been arrested 103 times already. As in one zero three times. Thank you, criminal justice system. You're doing a bang up job.
From the New York Post:
A career criminal with more than 100 arrests to his name was busted for cruelly shoving a 92-year-old woman into a Manhattan fire hydrant — leaving his victim too scared to walk alone in her own neighborhood.
The little old lady was just walking along, minding her own business. When this guy just came along and pushed her. You've seen the video, but I'll show you again, in case you want to raise your blood pressure just to lower it again. Name that show.
Hat tip to all the bystanders who saw this go down and did absolutely nothing. Well done, people. Well. Done. Ask me again why I carry my own gun and don't rely on others to step up.
Rashid is also a sex offender. So those 103 arrests weren't for parking tickets or tax evasion. They were for fondling himself in public and sexual assault.
Rashid Brimmage, 31, was busted by cops Tuesday and charged with assault after investigators recognized him from video footage of the attack, authorities said.
The frequent offender has now been arrested 103 times since 2005 for petty crimes and sex offenses, sources said.
The creep was convicted of sexual misconduct in 2012, then arrested for two sex offenses in 2014, police sources said.
What a precious little man.
My question is obviously why this f*ckstick is allowed out and about at all. There's a lot of discussion about a police-free society, which would have to be replaced with a vigilante society. I'm not saying that we should defund or disband the police department. But I am saying if vigilante justice becomes a mainstream thing, we might want to give Rashid here a look.
Courtney, are you encouraging violence?
Never! I would never encourage violence against a criminal asshole who the "justice" system has arrested 103 times and who was still out there harming people. It would be tragic if a posse of vigilantes paid him a visit for a little tete-a-tete. It would be awful if Rashid's face was introduced to sporting equipment. It would be absolutely heartbreaking if Rashid's publicly fondled sexually assaulting crotch bits had a close encounter with power tools. Just terrible.
I would never say violence is the answer. But I might not say it.
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