Thursday, June 25, 2020

Businesses, Residents Terrorized by CHAZ/CHOP are Suing Seattle!

Businesses, Residents Terrorized by CHAZ/CHOP are Suing Seattle!
Brodigan - June 25, 2020 at 09:04AM

I have never yelled "HELL YEAH, BROTHER" louder at my computer than when I read this story. The miscreants of CHAZ or CHOP have been terrorizing residents and small businesses for weeks now (see SEATTLE RESIDENT SPEAKS OUT AGAINST CHAZ AND IT'S CHILLING and HERE'S WHY CHAZ (NOW CHOP) IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN ADVERTISED). All with the blessing of Seattle's elected "leaders," who all looked the other way, if they didn't straight-up support the protesters. Well, it's time to lawyer up.

Numerous Seattle businesses – including an auto repair shop, a tattoo parlor and a property management company – sued the city Wednesday, alleging city officials were complicit in allowing an "occupied protest" that has made them feel unsafe in their neighborhood, according to reports. Workers and residents also joined the lawsuit over CHOP, the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest.

"This lawsuit is about the constitutional and other legal rights of plaintiffs – businesses, employees and residents in and around CHOP – which have been overrun by the city of Seattle's unprecedented decision to abandon and close off an entire city neighborhood, leaving it unchecked by the police, unserved by fire and emergency health services and inaccessible to the public at large."

It's really simple. The people you elected to represent you in cities like Seattle (or New York City or, really, pick any city at this point) have made it clear they don't care about you. Straight up, they don't care about you or your concerns or your ability to pursue life, liberty, and/or happiness. At least, not if you don't support their bitterly partisan, leftist political agenda. For some leaders, even that implies they put too much thought into their actions, when in actuality they just have knee-jerk responses to whatever Trump says.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of low-information voters in these cities who keep re-electing the same failed leaders over and over again, many of whom don't pay taxes, own property, or otherwise contribute to society. The only thing left to do is sue. Maybe when the city goes bankrupt paying out settlements, people will wake up.

from Steven Crowder Says