Courtney Kirchoff - June 24, 2020 at 04:54PM

Dear "We're Not Democrats, Vote for Us!"
You people, with a few notable exceptions, are a useless mass of gutless wonders. Our country is burning. Symbols of our republic are falling. State governors are grinding people's rights into dust. And where are you? Tweeting. Tweeting about how terrible the Democrats are. Tweeting about how unfair the media is treating you. Tweeting about how unfair Big Tech is. Here's a tweet, there's a tweet, everywhere a tweet tweet.
Not sure if you think pecking roughly 280 characters and hitting "send" is leadership, but it's not. I know the Tweeter in Chief likes to play word jumble on Jack Dorsey's app, but new letter combinations typed in ALL CAPS does not a leader make.
For as long as I can remember, and I'm no spring chicken, the Republican stump speech boils down to: vote for us because... well, because Democrats are the worst!. And as long as I could remember, Republican voters dutifully checked the R box. Gotta stop those Democrats.
What have we gotten for supporting you? We still have illegal immigration. We still have abortion. We have a Supreme Court filled with liberals. Our public school system is still a mess. The national budget is out of control. Spending, in general, is completely insane. In Washington and Oregon, government is insisting people wear masks or else.
But I guess none of that matters because the media sucks. Right?
Seems like something is missing. It feels as if thousands if not millions of people want to rally behind someone. It feels like Americans who love their country want to see it defended from the marauding hordes. It feels like what America needs now is not tweet sweet tweet, but leadership.
Which, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the reason voters elect people to office to represent them and LEAD?
With all due respect to Wind Beneath Our Wings Dan Crenshaw, this isn't enough:
from Steven Crowder Says