Brodigan - June 17, 2020 at 10:35AM

Like many of you, I miss my gym. I only just recently found a pair of adjustable dumbbells that wasn't a cheap Chinese knockoff or some jackwagon trying to rip me off on eBay. I found much happiness in once again being able to lift things up and put them down while I play punk and hip-hop at a loud volume. So I feel you if you're starting to lose your mind a little not having that "third place" to go to (see NEW JERSEY GYM REOPENS IN VIOLATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDERS. COPS REACTED WITH TRUE PATRIOTISM! and NEW JERSEY GYM OWNER FACES JAIL TIME FOR LETTING PEOPLE WORK OUT). But "gym pods"? I was invited to an open house at my gym to see what changes they made to protect us from the 'rona, but if I show up and it's this John Travolta/boy in the bubble shit, I'm wild out.
from Steven Crowder Says