Brodigan - June 27, 2020 at 07:40AM

The hot new way for Hollywood celebrities to signal their virtue is to quit their jobs so that those jobs can, at least in theory, be given to someone with darker skin. Particularly, when it comes to voice actors. Seth MacFarlane, while always being someone who plays on the opposite side of the isle we do, justifiably mocked stuff like this on Family Guy (see WATCH: FAMILY GUY BRILLIANTLY MOCKS LIBERAL OUTRAGE ON TWITTER and FAMILY GUY NAILS MEDIA HYPOCRISY ON BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME...AND IT'S HILARIOUS). But now we have the guy who does the voice of Cleveland stepping down in the name of wokeness. His name is Mike Henry. Apparently, he's white.
It’s been an honor to play Cleveland on Family Guy for 20 years. I love this character, but persons of color shoul…— Mike Henry (@Mike Henry)1593207693.0
I honestly want to know if there is a single African-American living anywhere in the United States of America who is reading this news and NOT rolling their eyes hard at it. Maybe it's just me viewing things through the eyes of my "privilege" and there is someone other than a white liberal who thinks this is progress. Or, anything other than meaningless pandering. If you are that someone, hit me up in the comments because I'm curious.
Also, it begs the question...
So, now they’re gonna have to find a black actor who can do the voice you created for Cleveland? 🤔— Lou Perez (@Lou Perez)1593248701.0
Why stop the virtue signalling here? The actor who does the voice of Stewie should actually be a baby. If you can find a gay baby, that's a bonus. Joe the Policeman should be voiced by someone who is actually crippled. And Herbert should be voiced by an actual creepy old man. Maybe they can call Joe Biden.
Look, this doesn't actually do anything to fix racism, systemic or otherwise. But it does make a white liberal feel good the smell of their own farts. At the end of the day, that's really the only thing that matters.
from Steven Crowder Says