Tuesday, June 30, 2020

This Liberal Weenie Almost Gets His Glasses Smacked Off His Head by an Old Lady and It's Awesome

This Liberal Weenie Almost Gets His Glasses Smacked Off His Head by an Old Lady and It's Awesome
Brodigan - June 30, 2020 at 01:30PM

Over the weekend, there was a protest outside of the Museum of Natural History to protect the Teddy Roosevelt statue from being removed. Before you ask, it was a protest, so everyone was safe from catching the coronavirus. I'm also not sure why people want to remove the statue, but we're at a point where you can assume that the people who want to remove statues aren't sure why either, other than that they're idiots (see BLACK LIVES MATTER THREATENS TO SHUT DOWN TARGET IF THE STORE IS NICE TO COPS and LIBERAL PROTESTER TRIES DESTROYING STATUE, LEARNS THE HARD WAY HOW GRAVITY WORKS).

People were there protesting in defense of the statue, so of course there were counterprotesters there yelling random words about things. One was a Poindexter college student who learned a lesson the hard way about respecting your elders. Literally, if Bea Arthur were alive and all hopped up on MAGA, she would be my new SHEro here.

Liberal Weenie: You're a racist.

Old Lady: Who said that? Try saying that to my face, you little piece of shit. I'll rip your arms off and beat you to death with them.

Liberal Weeine: I'm telling my mommy!

There's only one word to describe four-eyes here. Well, three words. Two of them are "little" and "bitch." Here's the third.

My only regret is that Poindexter here didn't cry. All we needed was for him to be crying and run off, with his arms flailing behind him. That would have made this video a 10/10 as far as content goes. Though even without the tears, it's still a respectable 9.2.

But chin up, Poindexter. You're still going to make some lucky lady a great "I only like you as a friend" some day.

from Steven Crowder Says