Brodigan - June 29, 2020 at 11:42AM

Some Mondays, you just want to start your day watching some idiot fall off a statue. Especially when that idiot is a leftist douchebag (see INJECT TUCKER CARLSON'S RANT ON STATUES AND THE DO-NOTHING GOP DIRECTLY INTO YOUR VEINS and VENEZUELAN WOMAN EXPLAINS WHY LEFTISTS TEARING DOWN STATUES SHOULD SCARE EVERYONE). Maybe my dude got confused in his gender studies class and thought that gravity is just a social construct as well. Maybe much like catching COVID, he felt the laws of physics don't apply if you have the right political opinion. Whatever the reason, LOOK OUT BELOW!
A man attempting to vandalize the St. Louis IX statue discovers the Law of Gravity— Hirsty (@Hirsty)1593395546.0
This may be a dated oldhead reference, but it's my blog post so I'm going to go for it anyway:
Pop quiz: Without using the Google, do any of you know anything about who St. Louis IX was? I don't, other than he's apparently someone whom someone else at some point decided to make a statue out of. Maybe this guy climbing up the statue is the foremost expert on all things St. Louis IX and he was a real scumbag. That's still no excuse for vandalism and destruction of property, but at least it would imply that Spider-Man here read a book at some point.
Most likely, what happened here is the leftist equation of historical figure + statue = most likely racist. Next time bring a rope or a harness or something.
from Steven Crowder Says