Thursday, June 18, 2020

BREAKING: Supreme Court Blocks Trump's Plan to Nix DACA. Their Reasoning is Asinine

BREAKING: Supreme Court Blocks Trump's Plan to Nix DACA. Their Reasoning is Asinine
Courtney Kirchoff - June 18, 2020 at 10:42AM

Remember how Republicans say we need to keep voting for them "Because judges"? Okay. Well this week hasn't been a great week for that particular talking point. Today the Supreme Court announced it wasn't going to allow Trump to trash Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals plan. Why? Basically because Trump didn't follow the right procedure to kill it with fire. Writing for the majority is Chief Justice John Roberts, who was appointed by Dubya, and who also helped bring us Obamacare. But you know, judges and stuff.

From The Hill:

"The dispute before the Court is not whether [Department of Homeland Security] may rescind DACA. All parties agree that it may. The dispute is instead primarily about the procedure the agency followed in doing so," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority.

Oh, the right paperwork wasn't filed properly? Someone forgot to put the coversheet on the TPS memo? And now we're stuck with DACA?

Never mind that DACA was a shitty program to begin with. As our favorite shekel hoarder and notorious tumbler merchant says:

FELONY MURDER?! We are now all 'extremists'...

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