Friday, June 19, 2020

Twitter Labeled This Trump Tweet 'Manipulated Media' Because It Was Too Believable that CNN is Fake News

Twitter Labeled This Trump Tweet 'Manipulated Media' Because It Was Too Believable that CNN is Fake News
Brodigan - June 19, 2020 at 08:46AM

Generally speaking, I don't have the bandwidth for anything involving Trump, Twittter, or the media, and this post hits the trifecta. But it's still maddening how stupid some of these people think most Americans are: that CLEAR JOKES need to be fact-checked, lest the commoners actually believe it to be real (see TRUMP TWEETED A PICTURE OF A DOG, AND THE FAKE NEWS IS INVESTIGATING and CNN THREATENS TO "DOX" ANONYMOUS TRUMP/WWE GIF CREATOR. AMERICANS' BACKLASH BEGINS...). We begin with Donald Trump tweeting a meme.

I mean...

The only way that MEME was designed to mislead people is if you think it was too convincing as an actual CNN headline. CNN being all biased fake news and all that, purposely twisting stories to divide the country. Which just proves the intended humor of said MEME. Also, and I can't stress this enough, IT'S A F*CKING MEME!!!

I'd love to sit through the editorial meetings that some of these idiots have. Like, do they honestly believe that people will see this Trump MEME and believe it was an actual CNN story? Is there a debate about it? Or do they just do these things because they know how predictable the reaction will be from the president and his fanbois? Which will bring the clicks, which is really the only journalism standards that count these days.

The three things I said I don't have the bandwidth for these days? This is all the reason why.

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