Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Governor Jay Inslee is Forcing ALL Washington Residents Under Threat of Misdemeanor Crime

Governor Jay Inslee is Forcing ALL Washington Residents Under Threat of Misdemeanor Crime
Courtney Kirchoff - June 24, 2020 at 08:18AM

Common misdemeanors: petty theft, vandalism, basic assault ... and if you live in Washington state, not wearing a mask. At least according to the state's fascist governor, Jay Inslee. The same Washington state that is home to Seattle, that is/was home to CHAZ, where the first three misdemeanors listed in the first sentence here, the local leaders didn't give a poop about (see SEATTLE RESIDENT SPEAKS OUT AGAINST CHAZ AND IT'S CHILLING and HERE'S WHY CHAZ (NOW CHOP) IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN ADVERTISED). But not wearing a mask? NOW people are upset.

A county in Washington state has run out of hospital beds because of a recent spike in coronavirus cases — and now, Washington Governor Jay Inslee says the entire state is going to take a more aggressive approach to handling the pandemic.

Everyone in the state, minus a few exceptions, will now have to wear a face mask, and will be charged with a misdemeanor crime if they fail to do so.

The spike is in Yakima county, not King county, by the way. Yakima county is way out in the middle of nowhere-ville, while King county is where Seattle litters with heroin needles and homeless people's caca. You know what other city isn't in Yakima? Spokane. Also not in Yakima? Olympia. I know now Courtney is just naming cities non-Washingtonians don't know about, but the point is the "spike" isn't happening in highly dense areas at all. So maybe, JUST MAYBE, it's idiotic and borderline statist (read: statist) to demand the entire state comply with an order based on the results of one county.

Remember when all of this was about "flattening the curve" and slowing the spread? I do. Also, what ever happened to "my body, my choice"?

"A recent spike in coronavirus cases." I guess the experts were wrong and that you COULD still catch the 'rona if you had the "right" political opinion and were protesting for social justice. Or taking over six blocks of a city over a temper tantrum. The same elected officials who now want to make not wearing a mask a crime are the same ones who didn't think social distancing was all that important while leftists were protesting. Or so we think. I don't know if Washington is like New York City, but NY tracers were forbidden to ask someone if they were out protesting.

IF (big if) there is an outbreak of the 'rona, it's because leftists like Inslee were too big a pussy to tell protesters no. Someone who wants to bury a loved one or be able to get back to work to support themselves and their families? They can go f*** themselves. Something I'm sure they're going to be telling the governor now that he wants to claim masks are a thing again.

from Steven Crowder Says