Brodigan - June 23, 2020 at 09:20AM

Megan is a teenager from Florida who runs a company called Blue Line Bears. She takes the uniforms of fallen police officers and turns them into teddy bears for children who are now suddenly without a mother or father. Megan's company exists to bring children a little bit of comfort as their worlds are falling apart and they don't understand why. It's wholesome. It's what America is about. So of course, vile liberals are attacking her for it and telling her that, among other things, they hope her father is the next to die.
Again, I apply the tea party standard, where if you supported the tea party, you were responsible any time anyone wrote mean words on a sign. If you support #DefundThePolice and/or the protesters rioting in the street (see #DEFUNDTHEPOLICE? HERE'S THE HORRIFYING WAY SCUMBAGS ARE PROTESTING COPS and LOCAL IDIOT TELLS CNN NOT WANTING YOUR HOME BROKEN INTO 'COMES FROM A PLACE OF PRIVILEGE.'), you support the monsters terrorizing this girl. You own them. You are no better than them.
She's among the best of us. The liberals doing this to her are literally the worst.
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