Friday, June 26, 2020

This MAGA Babe Has a NSFW Warning for Liberals Looking to Attack Her First Amendment Rights

This MAGA Babe Has a NSFW Warning for Liberals Looking to Attack Her First Amendment Rights
Brodigan - June 26, 2020 at 01:56PM

Honestly, I don't know who Tina Forte is. I'm not sure if something specific set her off, or if she's just pissed at leftists in general. But after hearing this, I'm not surprised to see that she's from the Boogiedown. The left has made it clear how unhinged they get over someone disagreeing with them or even rumored to have a different opinion from them (see LEFTIST BANSHEE VS. MAGA BRO: THE TIKTOK VIDEO WE ALL NEED RIGHT NOW and DERANGED LEFTIST ATTACKS RETIRED NYPD OVER...WRONG MAGA HAT). If they see Tina walking down the street with a red hat, it would be in their best interest to avoid eye contact.

This woman is my new hero. I won't even sarcastically put the word "she" at the front of it. She's a regular hero, who quite frankly has bigger balls than a lot of our Republican leaders right now. If I were to guess, she could probably do more pull-ups than them too. Get her a few security guards and send her to counter-protest some of these liberal buttheads destroying statues they don't understand. They'll be running home crying to their mommies within five minutes and will be lucky if Tina doesn't follow them and beat the crap out of their mom for being such a terrible parent.

Honestly, if I were Donald Trump, I'd even have her introduce me at the convention. Now THAT would be some good television!

from Steven Crowder Says