Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tim Pool Goes OFF, Nails Cowards Who Refuse to Stand Up to the Mob

Tim Pool Goes OFF, Nails Cowards Who Refuse to Stand Up to the Mob
Courtney Kirchoff - June 23, 2020 at 05:38PM

Trigger warning: so much truth you might find yourself offended. Tim Pool just nailed everyone who bends the knee to the mob. Including you and me. I don't know how many times I've heard conservatives say "I just want to be left alone to live my life" as the left advances and ruins their way of life. Tim Pool is fed up with this constant caving to the mob. He gets fired up about 20 minutes in, if you want to scrub. But the lead up discussion is worth the watch if you have the time.


Now it is 100% the duty of elected LEADERS to stand up and push back. Are they though? No. So what are we going to do about it, fam? Continue voting for the same morons who say they'll totally fix it if we just vote for them? Or are we going to shake it up? When are we going to engage in a little pushback ourselves? Which includes just bit more than commenting on Facebook.

By the way, a lot of this current bullshit is happening in blue cities. I'm seeing a lot of those Facebook comments suggesting we let it all burn because they're blue. You think the mob will stop there? Are you going to get off your ass only when the mob comes to YOUR door?

Get fired up. Get angry. But don't just shake your fist. Don't just tweet a "how dare you" at me. Take action by getting involved locally with your city and town. Not to be confused with sharing dank memes. Not to be confused with advocating we all just move to Texas. Not to be confused with writing "libtard" or "killary" un-ironically. We've got to do more than cancel our Netflix over a documentary we don't like. Get active, get involved, take stands, push back. The time for comfort is over. You're not being left alone, you never have been, you never will be.

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