Thursday, June 25, 2020

Florida Woman Doesn't Wear a Mask for the Same Reason She Doesn't Wear Underwear, and She's My New Hero

Florida Woman Doesn't Wear a Mask for the Same Reason She Doesn't Wear Underwear, and She's My New Hero
Brodigan - June 25, 2020 at 10:45AM

The context of this video is unknown. Quite frankly, the context of this video doesn't matter, because we're all feeling this woman's frustration. The experts and politicians told us not to wear masks. Then the experts and politicians forced us to wear masks if we wanted to leave the house, only to be exposed over the past week or so (see DR. FAUCI: MASKS AREN'T 100% EFFECTIVE, BUT ARE SYMBOLICAF! and DE BLASIO TELLS COVID CONTACT TRACERS: DON'T ASK ABOUT PROTESTS) as either liars or idiots. Either way, whatever trust people gave to politicians and experts is understandably out the window.

So we are all this woman, who, and I'm not one for hyperbole, is my new hero. Dare I say, my new SHEro.

"I don't wear a mask for the same reason I don't wear underwear. Things gotta breathe."

"But Brodigan, Florida is having a COVID outbreak because of not wearing masks or something."

Florida: 109K cases, 3,280 deaths. New York (which has fewer people than Florida): 390K cases, 24,700 deaths. So, like, keep things in perspective. Also, suck it.

Are masks effective or not effective? F*** if I know. Because again, the experts keep changing their stories and have lost people's trust. And the politicians are making us learn the hard way why it's a mistake to ever give them more power than they already have.

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