Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Was the Minnesota Freedom Fund Just Exposed as a Fraud?

Was the Minnesota Freedom Fund Just Exposed as a Fraud?
Brodigan - June 16, 2020 at 11:39AM

At the start of the Minnesota riots, we kept hearing the name "Minnesota Freedom Fund" thrown around. It was the nonprofit that was said to be raising money to bail out people protesting George Floyd's death. It also had an amazing PR team to be able to convince celebrities that donating to it was the best way to signal your virtue and that you believe black lives do in fact matter (see TED CRUZ CALLS OUT JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE FOR HIS #MINNESOTARIOTS VIRTUE-SIGNALING and MSNBC CLAIMS #MINNESOTARIOT IS MOSTLY PEACEFUL WHILE STANDING IN FRONT OF A BURNING BUILDING). Let's check in on the amazing work the organization is doing.

Personally, as someone who is smart enough NOT to donate his money to highly publicized nonprofits, I respect the hustle. Don't hate the player, hate the game and all that. As soon as all of Hollywood started tweeting their donation confirmations as a symbol — and the fact that articles were placed in the trades saying that tweeting your donation confirmation was a status symbol — you had to know at least 75% is going to overhead. If I were a betting man, I'd expect to see similar stories about all the donations to Black Lives Matter as well.

Which, to be clear, I mean Black Lives Matter LLC Inc. Not the concept that black lives matter, which they obviously do.

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