Brodigan - June 28, 2020 at 08:22AM

Everyone who supports #DefundThePolice has a different idea of what that means. Most Americans think these people are idiots (see POLL: AMERICANS OVERWHELMINGLY OPPOSE #DEFUNDTHEPOLICE and IDIOT WHITE LIBERAL CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY BLACK COP THINKS BLUE LIVES MATTER). But for the protesters, they can't even settle on a message. Some say defund actually means abolish the police. Others say no, and that "defund" actually means a reallocation of funds to social programs. Then you have the people who, as Officer Lopez mentions here, don't quite grasp the concept of what the word "defund" means in general.
Contrary to what your leftist douchebag cousin who spends too much time on Twitter thinks, cops are very good at their jobs and very concerned about the people they are there to serve and protect. If there's a rally or a protest, police are going to show up anyway just to keep the peace. Maybe it's possible that organizers have to make a formal request anyway. I wouldn't know, because I have a life.
But to actually request police protection for your #DefundThePolice protest...what do you think happens if you actually defund the police? One of the first things that gets cut is non-essential services, like being present for your organized hissy fit. Maybe protest organizers should show the courage of their convictions and request social workers to stand guard. THAT would be fun to watch.
from Steven Crowder Says