Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Nancy Pelosi Wants Advertisers and Social Media Platforms to CANCEL YOU for Bad COVID Opinions

Nancy Pelosi Wants Advertisers and Social Media Platforms to CANCEL YOU for Bad COVID Opinions
Brodigan - June 17, 2020 at 08:25AM

There are lies. There are damn lies. Then there's everything you've been told about COVID-19 (see JOCKO AND JOE ROGAN UNLOAD ON FAUCI: WE WERE ALL LIED TO and REPORTER'S THREAD NAILS LEFT'S HYPOCRISY FOR BLASTING REOPEN PROTESTS, BUT ENCOURAGING BLM RIOTS). Almost nothing we were told was accurate. Almost everything the experts told us was wrong. But Nancy Pelosi wants social media platforms — and the ADVERTISERS on those platforms — to do a better job of censoring all of that.

Pelosi said there was strong bipartisan support to "get tough on platforms" in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

She called on advertisers to "know your power" and actively discourage platforms from allowing life-threatening misinformation about novel coronavirus.

"We need to send a message to social media executives that you will be held accountable," Pelosi said. Pelosi cited bogus COVID-19 cures and other health-related scams as examples of life-threatening misinformation on social media.

"Advertisers are in a position of power … [they] have tremendous leverage," Pelosi said. "Platforms have a business model and they need to advertise."

"But Brodigan, she's talking about scams and fake cures." That's the hustle. Pelosi makes it sound like she's concerned about people thinking you can cure COVID by taking a bath in chlorine or blowing cocaine up your ass. But then suddenly anyone who criticizes the government's response or asks questions about things that don't make sense gets lumped in with those crazy people, and really, even they shouldn't be censored. Natural selection should just be allowed to do its thang.

Remember the article that came out recently about how the World Health Organization said asymptomatic COVID-19 might not spread the virus as much as they thought? If you posted a story about that, Facebook is flagging you — citing "independent" "fact" "checkers" — as fake news, even though THAT'S LITERALLY WHAT THE WHO SAID. Social media platforms openly say they consider the World Health Organization to be the arbiter of truthiness when it comes to the 'rona. Except when the World Health Organization says something they don't like. Now Nancy Pelosi wants to get advertisers involved in the action. Encourage them to threaten the platforms after she threatens encourages them to do so.

Remember, this is what's at stake when we all go to vote in November.

from Steven Crowder Says