Brodigan - June 25, 2020 at 01:02PM

I have to imagine — and I swear that was an unintentional pun — that out of all the kin of rock stars, being Sean Ono Lennon has to be among the most difficult to be. Not only does anything musical you do get viewed through the lens of one of the most iconic artists and songwriters in the history of popular music, anything you say or do gets viewed through the lens of two of the most iconic activists. Even to this day, when people want to do activism or otherwise signal their virtue, there's one song they always turn to (see IF YOU WEREN'T SICK BEFORE, HERE'S A MONTAGE OF CELEBRITIES SINGING 'IMAGINE' and NORM MACDONALD DESTROYS THAT HORRIBLE CELEBRITY 'IMAGINE' SINGALONG).
So knowing that anything he says or does can and most likely will get amplified, it takes some courage to tweet things like this.
Don't get it twisted. I don't think Sean is hiding a MAGA cap in his closet. I doubt he's a Mug Club member, though we would of course be happy to have him. But this does go to show how extreme leftists have gotten. What he tweeted is a reasonable sentiment and criticism of a lot of the protests and activism we see. A reasonable sentiment that I'm sure a lot on the center-left agree with.
A reasonable sentiment that those same activists would find a way to cancel him for if they could.
from Steven Crowder Says