Brodigan - June 29, 2020 at 10:39AM

To quote one of the greatest philosophers of our time, Wooderson: "Alright, alright, alright!" It's about time we saw someone enforcing the law. Even attempting to enforce the law would be an improvement. As opposed to ... I don't know, pick a liberal city that's been on fire in the past month (see SEATTLE RESIDENT SPEAKS OUT AGAINST CHAZ AND IT'S CHILLING and LOCAL IDIOT TELLS CNN NOT WANTING YOUR HOME BROKEN INTO 'COMES FROM A PLACE OF PRIVILEGE.'). In Oklahoma, they're not having any of it. The criminals roaming the streets destroying public property and committing acts of terrorism, rioting, and assault are being treated like criminals committing acts of terrorism, rioting, and assault.
Protesters blamed for the violence that broke out in Oklahoma City the last weekend in May were charged Friday with terrorism, rioting and assault. If convicted of the felony offenses, they could be sentenced to years in prison. Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater made the decisions himself on the charges in a get-tough approach meant to deter others from going too far during protests in the future.
"This is not Seattle," Prater said Friday. "We're not putting up with this lawlessness here."
Also charged Friday were five defendants identified as involved in the painting of murals in downtown Oklahoma City this week. They are accused in an incitement to riot charge of interfering with a police sergeant who was trying to take a homicide witness for an interview at police headquarters Tuesday.
I know that the left is going to be complaining about this. Attacking a state for enforcing the law and probably accusing the district attorney of various -isms and being an -ist of some form. Here's the rub. The left claims that it's all just peaceful protest. Yet in every city, there seems to be those "few bad apples" who are distracting from that message, like the bad apples that Oklahoma is throwing the book at. I would just ask the left to show us what they are doing to stand up to the rioters and violent assaulters who are distracting from their message.
Because your silence in this case is actual violence. Violence that Oklahoma isn't putting up with.
from Steven Crowder Says